Thanks guys
It’s not near done yet. stop in and listen again in a few days and we should have some more things added
Thanks guys
It’s not near done yet. stop in and listen again in a few days and we should have some more things added
I just uploaded a new version. I added the tenor harmony to verse 5, and after I did that I realized that I was crossing over into the tenor part on verse 1, so I fixed that, too. Also, did a few other minor tweaks to smooth things out.
Haha, I tell you the part I like most as it is surprising is in the transition from my intro to the rhythm/song is that little 4 note run on the mando and into the rhythm with the bass thumpin’…I mean the intro is it’s own thing and if anyone listening heard the intro they’d think “this is not Ryder”…then it just takes 4 notes to get there…is weird on the ear. I also think it’s a bit odd where you start singng the first verse/common verse at Larry…seems like my ear is telling me that there should be a beat or so more there before the song starts but its right where it is supposed to be. I guess ones ear really doesn’t have a chance to grasp the progression yet and the singing starts…I like it!
We need Ron to add in his verse. You alive Ron?
If anyone else has recording equipment or a lick they’d like to through in then speak now! You are all welcome to contribute.
I like the transition from the intro, too. I’ve been wondering if there isn’t some way to embellish it, but so far I haven’t come up with anything worthwhile.
The spot where the vocals come in plays with my ear, too. It was actually your idea; I used your demo as the template for the first part of the song. It’s four measures of G, so it shouldn’t sound strange. I think maybe it’s the mandolin run that gives the sense that there should be another measure.
I’m wondering if Ron lost interest in the project, or if he’s out of town or something.
I went and checked it out. Nice job guys. Keep it up!
Yep Ron has been MIA for a few days…we still have some work to do on breaks, fills, banjer part, and a few other things so that may give Ron a chance to check in. I would however say that if anyone else here wants to do something/throw something in then they should! Any takers?
I been trying to work on the harmony and it’s gonna take me a bit to cancel out the melody in G in my head before I can sing it. I am really working on the 5th interval (D) and can do that no problem but man I always want to come back to the G note on finish.
I am pos’d to be picking up the new mic tomorrow so I may just have to re-record that intro with some good gear so it sounds better. That is if you don’t mind plugging it in. I’m pretty stoked about getting the new mic/recorder, I was impressed with the sound you and fiddlewood are getting and I am sure a decent recorder will help my stuff get closer to yours.
My lead break is kind of odd though, there is not a lot of emotions in that first verse then I break in with a half bluegrass/half rock/ Highwayman type lead…is some contrast there!
— Begin quote from "mreisz"
I went and checked it out. Nice job guys. Keep it up!
— End quote
Thanks man, I tried to drag you in here earlier but I guessed you were not reading the thread…you have anything you’d like to add? We still have a lot of stuff to add…the harmony singing on the first and last verse, fills, licks, and Fiddlewood has the Banjo break and parts to add so if there is anything you can contribute then toss it in man!
I know what you mean about trying to sing harmony after singing the melody. I’m giving my harmony track a second try.
I don’t think your guitar break sounds odd where it is, but we can always move it. The song still has a bunch of changes to go through, too. The first verse won’t just be me - it’ll be three part harmony. Plus, the banjo is going to completely transform the song (you know how banjo players are ).
You guys can redo any part you want at any time. It’s not a big deal to swap out audio files.
Mike, I’m shocked that a techie like you doesn’t have a home recording setup.
I took a stab at tenor (1/3 up - B) and uploaded it. I done it over top of Dave on the last verse, but it may fit over top of you also.
Honestly I do not have an idea if it will sound good or not so I will leave that up to you to decide. It is rough but it’s a start, if it needs re-recorded then I can do that…let me know. I am just hoping that when my voice gets shaky you can reduce the volume a bit and wing it!
Great job guys, that sounds awesome!
Jesse and Larry,
Thanks for thinking of me. I do have a basic computer interface and such and I would have normally loved to throw something into the mix. You all might not have loved my contributions, but that’s a whole other story . Unfortunately I have been away alot and busy with some more family stuff. It’s been a whirlwind spring. I didn’t even see the topic until you all were well underway. That kompoz website is a brilliant idea. I think it’s pretty awesome what you all are doing. I’ll still be busy for a bit, but I think we are over the hump. Life should get back towards more normal as the summer rolls on. Ya’ll keep it up… it’s sounding awesome. I didn’t read the whole topic, but whoever has been putting stuff in, ya’ll are doing great. One thought, when it gets done (which is always a hard thing for me to decide), put an mp3 on the forum. I remember Larry and others doing a nice red haired boy previously. Maybe there will eventually be enough songs for a BanjoBen Forum CD.
Maybe next project, Mike.
I’ve been playing around with the harmony on the last verse a bit. I’m learning, but it’s still a bit confusing for me. Jesse, I think maybe you are singing what Dave called the high baritone while I am doing the tenor, but I may be completely wrong - this is all new for me.
Larry great job on the tenor!
the transition to the fist vocal I would blame on my bass coming in goofy (6 beats), I’m having a heck of a time with it myself.
I’m busting my but trying to come up with a banjo part that is interesting in this repetitive chord progression (one that I normally don’t practice) and keep getting sidetracked into little experiments. It seems that most things I come up with I can’t pull off at this speed. I’ll get it one way or another, played enough yesterday to make my hands swell up a bit. Back at it this morning…
Going to cut a couple voc tracks for the last verse to see what you think Larry. You can choose the one you like best as they will be different parts.
Yes, if someone else wants to cut a guitar part or vocal jump in by all means!
I just uploaded a new mix with the last verse filled in. Is that what you’re working on too, Dave? I guess if Ron shows up we can replace it easily enough. Just saw you had a banjo track uploaded, too. Let me tinker with that for a while.
I spent about 4 hours this morning and ended up with that banjo part. We can use it as a placeholder until I can clean it up a bit.
I did cut the other verse as a placeholder also but I won’t bother uploading it if you have it already.
my hands are done in for the moment so going to work on some vocal parts for a while.
Might want to cut down the reverb on the vocals until we get all the parts cut, then use it to help a little later.
Do the vocals sound over 'verbed in general, or are there particular tracks that you notice? I’ve got a reverb send for each track and I’m more or less aggressive depending on the track.
It sounds to me that the different reverbs are compounding each other. I would normally run a dry mix until all the parts were done, then mix the vocals, then add the needed effects (just my way of doing it.)
I had to get away form the banjo for a bit so I cut enough vocals to fill in the rest.
Larry, There is a comment on Kompoz for each track that tells what/where it is. I don’t care if you use any or not I just wanted to make them available while I had the spare time. If someone else comes up with a part all the better!
— Begin quote from "fiddlewood"
It sounds to me that the different reverbs are compounding each other.
— End quote
You’re talking about on the harmony part?
Banjo mix is uploaded. The ending is kind of abrubt, so I just faded it off.