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Help ForumWelcome to the Help Forum!
Featured Gold Pick MemberFrom time to time I select a Gold Pick member of the week! I do a short interview with them, asking questions we may all want to know, and also send them a special little gift…just a small way to say thanks for your support!
The General StoreFolks, this is where you can learn about new products in the store, special deals, or ask questions about products. My General Store has a real, live, physical location in Washburn, Missouri, and is managed by the local legend, @Jake. Jake is also behind our toll free number, 1-833-BANJOBEN (833-226-5623).
Discuss LessonsThese posts are generated each time I add a new lesson. Feedback is encouraged, so let me know what you think! The easiest way to access these threads is at the bottom of each lesson page under the “Discussion” heading.
BanjoAin't nothin' in the world like a 5-strang banjer...learn more about playing the banjo, and mingle with other like-minded players here!
GuitarGit-fiddle, six-string, or axe--It doesn't matter what you call 'em, they all boil down to one thing: Guitars! Check here for Tips, tricks, and overall love for this wonderful instrument!
MandolinThey may have been born in the mid-18th century, but they're far from out of style. Look around here for any variety of topics on the mandolin, from playing them to just enjoying their sound!
Banjo Ben LiveBanjo Ben Live is a live broadcast where I cover all kinds of topics (and have fun!)!
Cabin CampI’m so excited about the upcoming Cabin Camps! This is a category to post threads with questions, discussions, and memories of Cabin Camp!
ContestsFrom time to time I’ll run contests here on the site, and this is where you can find the rules, entries, and winners! I run these contests because they motivate YOU to work on your pickin’, and I also get much enjoyment seeing folks learn to play. Keep pickin’!
Other InstrumentsSo, you aren't a player of the banjo, guitar, or mandolin? There's still a place for all musicians, and it's right here!
General chit chatAny and all topics and posts that don't belong in the other forums should be posted in this little catch-all.
Forum HangoutsThis is a place to post about the upcoming Forum Hangouts, and also for us to track progress on our goals, share what we’re working on, and encourage one another!
Music TheoryThis is the place to ask those questions that keep you up at night. Well, not all of them, but at least the theory-related ones!
Swap shopGot something music related that you want to sell or trade? Post it here.
Member collaborationBanjo Ben forum members collaborate online to make recordings. Here is where you can find their projects.
HobbiesHuntin', fishin', flyin' airplanes, quilting, camping, model trains...This is the place to share your hobbies and read what others are interested in.
Previous Site ForumWhen the new site version launched, the forum software changed as well (for the better!). In this category we have exports of the old forum threads for you to browse or search through, as there is a wealth of valuable info there!
Strings, picks, capos, and more!Questions, reviews, news, etc. on all accessories!