Well, like Earl, I do believe in karma.
Last week I went into town to renew my lost driver’s licence and bank debit card. While I was there I decided to drop into the Men’s Shed. This is a community based thing that has become very popular in Australia - a group of blokes decide to establish a meeting place which doesn’t involve alcohol, somewhere they can go for company to chat and usually ends up with a workshop attached. More country towns are establishing them as time goes on, fuelled I think partly by wives who don’t want retired husbands hanging around complaining and getting under their feet etc.
Anyways this shed is fairly active and has program where a disability mob go once a week and the blokes help them do woodwork projects. As I was feeling generally a bit down about the loss of the laptop with all associated data I thought it might be a good thing to call in and I spent a few hours helping a young bloke on his clothes rack project, walked away feeling a bit better about life.
The next day I get a call from a local farmer’s wife I know who lives 15 miles from where I lost the laptop to say she had found it in a paddock beside the road.
It was only because they were moving stock and she was putting up roadside signs nearby that she noticed it over the fence. The wallet was gone with the cash of course but there was a bill with my name on it so she called me.
We have had about 4 inches of rain in the past few weeks so it was rather damp in the bag, but 3 days later after airing it then putting in a bag with rice to dry it out it booted up without a problem. So all is saved!!!

Yes, I’ve already backed it up, so as soon as I get my paperwork up to date and tax stuff done I’ll be plugging into Audacity and Kompoz.