Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The humor thread (formerly Sunday funny)

It’s a fitting place for it. Maybe.

Rabbit trails are an amazing thing

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We need to remember to go back to the Spiral thread for this kind of conversation.

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True :joy:

My wife will attest to the fact that I am literally useless if there’s music playing within earshot. I can’t even hold a decent conversation when music is close by.

Years ago I had a boss that always played music in his office. I told him early on there’s no way I could get anything done if I had music playing. One day I’m in his office and we’re talking about a project. He apparently asked me a question, but I had no idea he was even talking. He said “You weren’t kidding about the music thing, huh?”

No. No I’m not.


The boombox days??!! The boombox is useless anyways unless played, So, maybe the boss’ dilemma - boombox or you?? :slight_smile:

Speaking of listening to music - if anyone (Mason?) needs recommendations of great songs to listen to, make sure you’ve heard all these! :point_down: I was looking at my Apple Music auto-generated “most listened to” playlists since 2017, and here are my 3 top played songs each year, apparently! Kinda neat to see the trends, and how my tastes have changed/stayed the same…

1. God Gave Noah the Rainbow Sign, Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver (Burden Bearer)
2. On the Sea of Life, Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver (Rock My Soul)
3. Wait a Little Longer Please Jesus, Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver (Thank God)

1. I’m Ready to Go, Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder (Soldier of the Cross)
2. Oh Ye Must Be Born Again, Dailey & Vincent (Brothers From Different Mothers)
3. The Rich Man, Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver (Sing Me a Song About Jesus)

1. Decision at Glady Fork, Bryan Sutton (Ready to Go)
2. When I Wake Up to Sleep No More, Aaron Frosty Foster (single)
3. Flying Train, The Little Roy & Lizzy Show (Lord in the Morning)

1. Wayward Son, The Lindsey Family (Crosses and Stones)
2. Down in the Dirt, Jake Workman (Landmark)
3. Crosses and Stones, The Lindsey Family (Crosses and Stones)

1. I Believe, Claybank (Playing Hard to Forget)
2. Down in the Dirt, Jake Workman (Landmark)
3. On the Sea of Life Live, Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver (Live in Prague, Czech Republic)

2022 (so far):
1. Going Home Look, Deano Graham (Time Has a Way)
2. Grandpa Tell Me Bout the Good Old Days, The Isaacs (The Living Years)
3. The Next Time That You See Me, Deano Graham (Time Has a Way)


Jake is only on there twice? Shame…


He’d be on more if I listed the top 5 or 10, but nobody wants to see all that :slight_smile:

Seems like my most played have definitely always been vocal songs and gospel songs.


Oh, I thought you meant our Jake. To be honest, I’d put Spillwater Drive up there with anything out today. I love that music!


I don’t think Spotify keeps a tally of my most-listened to artists, but I would say I mostly go for Tony Rice, Balsam Range, Lonesome River Band or Kenny & Amanda Smith (whose new album I absolutely CANNOT wait to listen to). A few years ago I was mostly listening to DLQ. I’ll go through phases.


I think we can all agree Jake Stogdill is the most underrated “Jake” guitar player.


It’s kinda neat because the 100 most played playlists that Apple Music creates for me each year are not exactly the same as my own favorites playlists so it usually surprises me.

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How’s that working out for you?:grinning:



I went skimming them all to try to find something you’d like to see, Michael…

#11, 2022 - Georgia Mail, Lonesome River Band (One Step Forward)

#8, 2021 and #49, 2022 - On My Way Back to the Old Home, The Bluegrass Album Band (The Bluegrass Album)

#97, 2021 - Manzanita, The Tony Rice Unit (Manzanita)

#54, 2019 and #75, 2020 - Take Me in the Lifeboat, The Bluegrass Album Band (The Bluegrass Album, Vol. 2)

Phew, out of a list of 100 most played songs, that #97 in 2021 barely squeaked in there… :sweat_smile:


:clap: :clap: :clap:

(And being #97 probably means it got played like twice)

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*one step forward

Yikes. Sorry. Will edit

Sorry I’m in the wrong thread too