From henceforth I shall refer to Landmark as “Grassdot.”
Jk, jk…
From henceforth I shall refer to Landmark as “Grassdot.”
Jk, jk…
I’m just imagining what my mom would do if my dad was supposed to be putting down nice tile and he did this…
As long as it doesn’t Mar (io) his image…
It reminds me of my last job. We switched to gitHub and it preassigned some random pixellated avatar to each user. Some folks changed them out, but most folks left whatever was assigned. I subtly changed mine to be a pixellated invader from Space Invaders. I thought it was clever. Unfortunately, no one ever noticed it
Have you been to a modern arcade? You can play a 10’ tall Space Invaders with a swivel and tilt gun to aim at the space ships. They’ve also incorporated elements of other games in to it like the bombs from Missile Command. Really fun way to interact with my 5 year old. We both love it.
In a software design meeting, we were using typical technical jargon to discuss a data exchange interface with a vendor. One co-worker said the programming we had ordered was delayed because the vendor was suffering from a “severe nonlinear waterfowl issue.”
Curious, the team leader raised his eyebrows and asked, “What exactly is that?”
The programmer replied, “They don’t have all their ducks in a row.”
I have played that. It was fun indeed. I think it cost about the same as a tank of gas, but yes, I am a sucker. In Huntsville AL, a friend took me to a microbrewery?/restaurant/arcade. They had a full on arcade. Me and my buddy were happy as clams. Wife even played a few times on Ms PacMan. Twas a good day.
First time on forum!
This is hilarious:man_facepalming:t2:
clicks on profile Hey, I know this guy…
Same here!
I’m trying to remember…
You’re the guy that plays the ukulele right??
Cajón actually.
@JohnM It says this was his first time posting. Other people have posted videos with him in it, maybe you’re thinking of that.
Oh really?? Could it be ID different (definitely looks so) and person same?? Let me see.