Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The humor thread (formerly Sunday funny)

Note to self: next time you go for a walk, make sure to listen to “I’m Walkin”

I would always listen to music while cubing too.

The box just says “True Wireless Stereo Earbuds”. I don’t see a brand😂

Do you not do cubes anymore?

Barely ever

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Me neither. I just totally lost interest almost overnight about a year ago.

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I’ll go through phases where I’ll really like it and then fall out of it. Apparently Tony obsessed over the cube when it first came out :joy:


Did he really?

Yep. It’s in his biography and probably a couple articles about him.

That’s hilarious.

I do it occasionally just to see how fast I can still do it, then I’ll put it away for the next several months😂

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Surprisingly I still average sub 15 even after not practicing for a year.

I think I’m still sub-20.

I was working on being color neutral before I stopped cubing.

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I was always terrible at that.

Everyone is unless they start out that way or put a lot of practice in :joy:

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That’s why it was frustrating, I averaged around 12 on white and any other color took over 20 nearly every time.

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I’m definitely white/yellow dual neutral though. I switched to that early on.

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It’s kinda funny, neither of us even like cubing anymore but here we be flooding Banjo Ben’s forum with cube talk😂

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In the humor thread no less.

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