Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The humor thread (formerly Sunday funny)

hahaha “left wheel!” :rofl:

Yes the CO was a wee bit late in giving the command.

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Nils Olav inspects troops of the Norwegian King’s Guard, of which he is colonel-in-chief after being bestowed with a knighthood at Edinburgh Zoo Scotland

"You’ll always find humour in the military no matter who’s armed forces you checkout"


Yep, the new Brigadier inspection also popped up today, saw that too!

This is incredible foot drill!

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Yeah, a tiny bit. Who knows, he might be facing charges (or flak??) for putting the troops in poops way! :wink: haha.

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Yeah… and the border bravadoes!

Talking about Mascot’s! This just happened to be posted on British Forces News today.




Don’t “be negative” at his passing. he’s in a better place and to think not a drop was spilled.


“Oh, positive” you mean??

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NO! Don’t go putting words in my mouth @JohnM If you cant figure me out just let it pass.

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I thought @Mark_Rocka was castigating himself for not identifying the blood group from his friend’s response to have saved his life. I didn’t take it as having fun at his friend’s expense.

@Archie, wasn’t it a joke anyway and not a real-life incident??

Generally if something is posted in the Humor Thread it’s a joke. :joy: :crazy_face:


Another clue is, it is copied and pasted and not typed in to be considered a real-life event narration!

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@JohnM My response was a joke. @Mark_Rocka understands my sense of humour we have been friends here since this forum was set up in fact we helped BETA Test the website. I am beginning to feel you are trawling my every post, trying to correct every thing I say. I’d rather you NOT. Can we please move on.


Alright @Archie, I’ll stop bothering you with my responses!



I believe a global trend has been now set for singing/song writing with the just concluded (yesterday or so) Chess Olympiad in Chennai, India. Cross genre song, with ever changing volume, etc. etc. This should make anyone to come out and sing!! And should encourage anyone to write song, lol!! Hey, our audience must have had strong will power over their emotions! Check it out and share your reactions! :slight_smile: