Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The humor thread (formerly Sunday funny)

Good point @Dragonslayer Gunnar.

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Do you post on YouTube?

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Thank you! So there is at least one boy here who knows what I mean. @Shaky_loves_banjo should have known better than his comment earlier though, because he just announced that he has sisters.

I wish Gunnar would just post on his own account and stop logging into mineā€¦ maybe I should change my passwordā€¦

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No, only when Ben does a contest, and even then it is my Dadā€™s account. I watch it a decent bit though.

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Thatā€™s cool! So yā€™all have a lot of the same ages that my family does.

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Yeah, I just realized that.

I post very regularly. Iā€™m trying to grow the channel and hopefully get it big someday, and consistency is key for that.

Very true. Iā€™ve seen your stuff and it is really good!

Thanks! I try :joy:

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Should we take this back to the spiral? See ya there.

Oh, I forgot we werenā€™t therešŸ˜‚

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Maybe you should make a video called ā€œCan I Teach my 2 Year Old Brother Banjo?ā€

Back to spiral safety!

Now, back to topicā€¦


Thats funny.

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Gotta love Inherit the Mirth comics!

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??? Donā€™t blame me, I didnā€™t do it!! For clarity, what precisely am I pleading not guilty to?

Dreadfully dismal and horrifyingly dim. I shudder to think about what depths of darkness must enter ones imagination to use such abominable inventions such as ā€œperadventureā€ or grammatical faux pas equaling that of ā€œleavethā€.
E for effort, and F for forsaking the high and noble calling of ancient philology in favor of the degraded mire of sludge that is the common tongue.

Et tu brute?? :cry:

This would be funny except that is a woefully 22nd century choice of archaic vocabulary, and thatā€™s how Michael speaks anyway.

Actually, far from it. Michael would sooner stare at a barn all day than be accurately called ā€˜slimā€™

Forth Eorlingas!! I hereby sentence you to six months in Azcaban, or to read the unabridged Lord of the Rings. Itā€™s your choice

See the problem with this is you referred to him using the same pronoun twice in a row, completely losing the meaning of the entire sentence. Plus, it would be a better stroke to rather phrase your remark in such a way that the only logical conclusion is that it calls the opponent insecure, but stops short of throwing the accusation yourself. Leaving your hapless foe to either wallow in feigned ignorance or take it upon themselves to understand their debasement.

Wow I got tall and thin all of a sudden. Apparently I am justified in calling yā€™all rotundā€¦

No, thatā€™s Michael living vicariously through the coolest person he knows.

Donā€™t worry, we know youā€™re 4ā€™11" and weigh about 73lb

Is it a choice, or do you just have really thick (figurative) skin because you have so many younger siblings??

Oh that you should be so luckyā€¦

Poor guy, No wonder you like rock music so much.

Finally something that almost resembled what I might sayā€¦

Oh from tonyricerules97 to tonyRiceisawesome1997 ?

Weā€™re 21, 19 (me), 16, 15, 13, 10, 8, 6.
Wow, I didnā€™t realize the young ones were so oldā€¦


Uh, What has nine ears, three mouths, one eye, four noses, and a receding hairline?
I donā€™t know, but it sure is ugly!


Michael Mark? :rofl:
(No offense @Michael_Mark)