Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The humor thread (formerly Sunday funny)


I’m an only child :joy:

I’ve got 2 older sisters, 4 younger sisters, and 2 younger brothers.

Must be a quiet house.


It would be, except for the dog.

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poor you. I actually don’t mind being a big family.

It can be rough at times, but I think it teaches you a lot of good things. Being patient, being unselfish etc.

I love it! I am the oldest and our youngest is 2 years.

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Well, there are benefits that come with being an only child, such as not having many people to fight with except your own internalizations, and also largely being able to record videos without much background noise.

My brother is two. My siblings are 21, 20, 18 (me), 15, 12, 9, 7, 5, and 2. There can be a lot of drama at times :joy:


The downside is that being an only child means that you have no siblings, older or younger, to help make you popular. :joy:

You poor child.

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I’m sure there are TONS of benefits. But being in a larger family takes away those benefits which makes you a less selfish person.

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Exactly! @Mason_Crone has it right.

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Michael already knows, but that’s why I film all my videos outside. The house is WAY too loud!

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We are 18 (me), 16, 14, 12, 9, 7, 5, and 2.


“Well, like some of y’all, I have 8 siblings or something like that, only I had to grow up in Mozambique with 8 siblings, 7 of which are younger. Also, the fact that our dear @Michael_Mark is an only child is most likely a contributing factor as to why he is crazy.”

I bet, we generally have to record during nap time or when every one is abnormally quiet. Which is just about never. And you wonder why I never post videos…

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It also teaches you to never say anything to a girl about what she eats.

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