I put a scratch track down. It can be found under “Lots Highway” here:
kompoz.com/compose-collabora … ctId=36682
I tried to stay pretty close to general layout of the youtube version here:
I put the tempo at 120 which is a smidgen faster than the Hank one above. The key is the same (D) which might change depending on the needs of the vocalist. In case it would be handy, I put together a lyrics and chord chart. In the process of doing it, I realized I was changing to A early in the last line of each verse. Bummer. I can redo the scratch track later if we stick with this general key, style and tempo. I also kind of covered the slide parts intro and exit, and I would remove those from the scratch track to make it easier for Larry’s Dobro recording.
The big point was that I wanted to get something down that gave an idea for one feel we could do for the song. If anyone has other thoughts, I encourage everyone to share them. Mine is pretty true to the original with an attempt to get a bit more drive. We could take this lots of directions.