Yep, was goofing off Larry, had a blast.
Shawn feel free to email me the file if you are still ahving troubles and I can upload it (with the $5 a month Kompoz membership you can upload just about any type of file) email is
I will get busy, although I might end up running late on this one as come Friday evening I will be heading out of town to head to Ohio to Bowhunt for 2 weeks…more goofing off…this is where I rough it in a camper on 600 acres with no electric and such for 2 weeks…chasing that ever elusive trophy caliber whitetail!
I am here, hate to be the one that sidetracks this but I am “on it”…I could record my part sometime this week but i have not work out a “Jesse Improv break” but can throw down what I have so far.