Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Calling all lefties!

Thanks Ben

Sorry to hear that! What Ben said

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Thank’s Gunnar

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So sorry to hear that, Archie. I’ll be thinking about you and your family.


Thank you @Mark_Rocka It’s a comfort to know she is at peace with the Lord.


I am left handed, but I play right handed. I stared left handed, but switched after a year. It set me back a bit, but now, after about a year of playing right handed I can switch chords as fast as anyone, but find it harder to flatpick and crosspick. That’s why I like banjo.

Look y’all -

At least, we have a teacher who cares enough to ask and pursue it… and then, be concerned about the cost to “special order”!

I dare suggest that is way more than you will receive by way of customer service from your local music store!


Here’s Jim Mills playing a lefty banjo righty lefty, or upsie daisy backwards, or… whatever.


I always knew Jim was a genius

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Wow! That was brilliant!

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Wow, now I want a lefty banjo :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Great description there, @MissMaggie :astonished::smirk:

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