Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Calling all lefties!

Hi Gunnar It was a tongue-in-cheek response I knew it was a flipped video. Just my dry sense of humour

Ok, it was your emoji choice that threw me. Most sarcasm gets lost in print

Not sarcasm, I hate sarcasm. Humour :rofl:

Whatever :roll_eyes::joy: and, Humor.

And btw, sarcasm is the American way of saying tongue-in-cheek…

I am not an American and tongue-in-cheek isn’t sarcasm in Scotland. So let’s just put it down to a difference of opinion and move on no need to drag it out the moment has passed

Whatever :roll_eyes::joy: and, Humor.

Just for the record

Humor and humour are different spellings of the same word. Humor is preferred in American English, and humour is preferred in all the other main varieties of English. The distinction extends to the derivative participleshumored / humoured and humoring / humouring —but in all varieties of English the second-syllable u is dropped from the adjective humorous .

:joy::joy::joy::joy: it was a tongue-in-cheek comment :wink::joy: I’m well acquainted with “British” spelling, I usually use it when saying “good mourning” :joy::sleeping:

Ok well thanks for sharing that.

I just learned my sister who lived out in Australia passed away today.She was 86


I’m so sorry to hear, Archie! Blessings to your family!


Thanks Ben

Sorry to hear that! What Ben said

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Thank’s Gunnar

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So sorry to hear that, Archie. I’ll be thinking about you and your family.


Thank you @Mark_Rocka It’s a comfort to know she is at peace with the Lord.


I am left handed, but I play right handed. I stared left handed, but switched after a year. It set me back a bit, but now, after about a year of playing right handed I can switch chords as fast as anyone, but find it harder to flatpick and crosspick. That’s why I like banjo.

Look y’all -

At least, we have a teacher who cares enough to ask and pursue it… and then, be concerned about the cost to “special order”!

I dare suggest that is way more than you will receive by way of customer service from your local music store!


Here’s Jim Mills playing a lefty banjo righty lefty, or upsie daisy backwards, or… whatever.


I always knew Jim was a genius

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Wow! That was brilliant!

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