Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Writing songs

For those of y’all that write songs how do you go about doing it. I would love to be able to write songs but every time I try it ends up turning into a song that I know. If I can just get past writing a basic melody I think I can get it from there, but I find it hard to come up with something basic that sounds original.


Are you talking about instrumentals or lyrical songs?

I’ve only written songs with lyrics and for me, the words come first. I don’t even try to get the tune until the words are done (although usually by that point most of the tune has already come to me). Once the words are formed the tune just kinda appears. And yes I always battle making sure it doesn’t sound just like another song, because that always happens. I sit with my guitar at that point and hum melody lines and decide on the chords, taking voice memos when I settle on something I like. If I notice it sounds like another song I’ll keep playing around with that line till it’s slightly different.


I was thinking more instrumental.

I was afraid someone would say that.:smile:My brother and I tried to write a song and he made up really dumb words for it and the tune he had was kinda unsatisfactory.

I’ve tried doing lyrics first, figure out a tune next, then find the chords, but they always end up having really weird chord progressions.


Haha. The words don’t come first for everyone. My mom also has written several songs and she says the tune always comes to her mind before the words. Everyone’s different in that regard. Also, I kind of think of the tune and chords at the same time. The chords help dictate the melody I’m trying to think up.


I usually come up with a cool melody/groove first though I often have the song idea/hook in mind. Rarely do I take finished lyrics and try to fit them to a tune.

BY THE WAY: I’m thinking of doing a 1-day songwriting camp here in Nash on Monday, October 10. I’d have several hit songwriters/publishers as guests teachers and we would have a ton of fun. Price would be about $350. It would be open to those who have been writing a while and also to those who are interested in starting. Thoughts?


That sounds like piles of fun. I would come if I had the time and $350 that I didn’t know what to do with.:smile:

Are u meaning like chord progression or just kinda the basic idea of how it sounds?

I’m talking idea for the song (this is a song with words), title, and the hook is sometimes the title but also usually the last line in the chorus.


Yeah I get what you are meaning now

I know it’s probably easy for you because you do it a lot, but do you have any tips for how to keep the melody sounding good without copying other songs?

I’d be interested in details on that for sure!

@KevinB As far as songwriting, I’ve never written a song besides one instrumental waltz. My mind came up with a hook for a song yesterday actually and about half a chorus for another song. Both were spontaneous and unmeditated.

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Yeah I once I came up with a cool fiddle tune at school but by the time I got home I had forgotten it.

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It’s not easy and it’s quite frustrating to finish a good song and then realize it was too closely inspired by another song you’ve heard at some point. It happens quite frequently to songwriters, and a lot of writers actually try to get their songs as close to other popular songs as possible without breaking the law (I do not). Write what sounds and feels good to you, then play it for others and ask if it reminds them of any other song. The copyright issue in this case is fuzzy but the general question that’s asked is: does your melody confuse others as being another song?


Sometimes you purposely write a song inspired by another one too. I’ve done that.

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Thanks for all the ideas. If I come up with something maybe I’ll post a vid.


Here’s my thoughts, @KevinB:slight_smile:

Write something inspired from or around your life! Central theme can be the chorus. But before that, make sure you have a good heart, so the lyrics would be useful and appealing to the audience!

If you want to know what I mean, check out Psalms!

David writes songs, then submits to the musician!


No. They all sound like “Wildwood Flower.” :grin:


I would love to learn to write a song , but I have no idea where to start.


I am not a songwriter but I have a couple friends in Knoxville (Shandy and Chris AKA Southern Spirit) that have been writing and playing their own music for 20+ years. Let us know if you firm this up and I’ll pass them the info.

I’ve written a few, but I don’t know how and to explain it requires a week’s answer or none I suppose