Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

WILL the CAGED system make me a better player?

yes… and No…
Yes, in the sense that it will help you understand your fretboard better, which of course will help you improve. But more specifically… a resounding NO. YOU make yourself a better player, through practice and playing. All CAGED will do is show you where the major, minor, Major Pentatonic and Minor Pentatonic scales live on the fretboard. That is incredibly valuable information, for a fact. But manipulating those scales, chords, and arpeggios into a credible melody or solo… that’s on you. When you go see an artists’ painting in the museum, the frame is a very important part of the presentation… but it is what the artist did INSIDE the frame that shows his or her genius. CAGED is a framework, within which YOU, the artist, paint your picture.
There. My Zen moment for the day. Enjoy this… I don’t wax philosophical very often. Makes me sound pretentious. :sunglasses: Should we get a chance to meet in person at the camp in Nashville this weekend, you will find that I am a complete whack job. Pretention is not a suit I wear very often.