Greetings all!
Been playing Banjo for about three months and before that I played guitar for 15 years. I have gotten really comfortable with chord structure and all that sort of stuff and between a few lessons and some books I have picked up a quite a few Rolls along the way and after watching a few of Bens videos on rolls I knew about half of them already and the ones I didn’t I got them down comfortably with a half hour. My question is this when do you say “Ok its time to move on?” Is it when you memorize every roll note for note? Is it when you are comfortable with it enough to make yourself dangerous? I honestly know perfection is not an option (its close lol) but i really want to lay the groundwork correctly because i don’t have the time to have to relearn stuff because I got ahead of myself.
In the same question when do you guys suggest going from Basic to intermediate videos? Can you pick and chose as you get comfortable? Or is it more of a learn 4 or 5 basic songs then hop over to the intermediate ones?
Any input would be helpful!!