Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Videos wont play

hello I am new to the site and cant play videos …I am a gold member…here is what it says in the video screen…(The creator of this video has not given you permission to embed it on this domain. This is a Vimeo Plus feature.)… maybe I am doing something wrong but don’t know …Any help would be appreciated

Hi Tyler, wish I could help…hopefully someone w/more knowledge will chime in here soon

well, I guess I may have to reconsider my membership… I sent another e mail to the contact section days ago…with no response. Its been 3 or more days now…heck it might be a week I cant quite remember. The first time it was an issue I got a reply fairly quick…not this time…vary frustrating,.

I sent out three private messages to see if I could get you some help. Hopefully you’ll get an answer soon…evidently there is some issue with the contact link (others have had problems with it as well).

Hey Tyler,
Sorry you are having problems. Ben might be out of pocket. I sent a message to Andy to see if he could help. I am sure they will “make it right” for you.
I saw where another user was having problems with certain videos and Windows8 (which is recently released). What operating system are you using?
Again, sorry for the frustration.

not using widows 8 …i think xp…thanks for the help folks…still no reply…

Tyler, the message you had pop up doesn’t seem to make sense if you were trying to just play a video form this site. It’s saying you can’t embed a new video…sure you just tapped the vid once to play it?

The videos play from the site so you shouldn’t have an issue with your own software I would think, but I don’t know that much about computers. When I play the vids here I use a single click to get through each of the steps that lead to the video and a single click makes it play.

I think you need Adobe Flash Player to play the videos, at least that is what my PC and Mac both use to play them.

wish I could be of more help.

Since you haven’t heard anything, if you want I can try to help with a little troubleshooting. Below is a link to a vid hosted on youtube. I suspect this one would work since you are getting a Vimeo error, but give it a try if you would: … nique-217/

Here is a link to a Vimeo vid. … g-pt1-423/

If you would, try both of those. If the problem is just the second vid, I found a thread on similar issues with other sites that use vimeo. There were suggestions to try a different browser (I use Chrome) or to check the flash version. I suspect the different browser just accomplishes the same thing which is to get an update of Flash (I think fiddlewood might be on to the right track there). Here is a link to check and update your Flash version (I am running flash 11.0.1):

Vimeo recommends a minimum of Flash 10.

I’m running Widows w/ Firefox 10.0.2, Adobe Flashpayer on my PC. haven’t looked up what my Mac-book uses. I also tried IE just to see if vids would play and they do.

Thanks for trying to help guys…I am not real savvy with a computer so …I did what you suggested…you are correct the second video wouldn’t play . however my flash is the same as yours. Yes I just tapped it once …heck I have logged off and on a lot hoping it would do something. I may have to try a different browser like you suggested…I will let you know what I come up with… hey Fiddlewood, you going to the MBMA jam Saturday…tick tock…just tried a different browser with same results…Thanks for trying guys

I’m not sure if I can come up with the gas to get there and back this month but am hoping to. I want to make it up to where Mike (martian) is having his open mic if I can too. Had a good time there last month.

well I got a reply…hopefully soon the problem will be fixed. Fiddlewood hope to see you there. I wont be able to go see Mike at the moose.I have to work.

Hi Ben, thanks for getting back with me/us…I hope everything turn out ok and prayers are sent…as far as windows 8 …I dont have that I have xp…I have been contacted by Andy and hopfully it gets resolved soon…Thanks, Tyler

The issue is not with this site…apperantly it’s somthing with my computer. Just to let you all know, Ben and Andy have worked hard for me and I thank them both for it…Merry Christmas to everyone

Hey ty, when you get it all worked out let us know what the solution is, so maybe we’re better equipped to help the next guy.