Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Using my Blue Chip TD60 for first time

With blue chip, I think there is something with the composition of material. The composite material might be copyrighted. It kind of tries to isolate the grip and the sound produced. It muffles the tone a bit. I also feel the sound is diffused, or spread evenly, through the pick that no matter how you hit it, it still gets you a balanced, good tone.

If what I suspect is true, that is what makes it different.

That makes sense to me. I have noticed, as someone whose hands sweat when they play, the sweatier my fingers get the “grippier“ the pick gets. It doesn’t get sticky, mind you, but I’m able to grip it without it sliding around in my fingers. I feel that it makes my guitar louder, probably because of the thickness and beveled edges perhaps? All I know as of this moment is that I really truly for the first time as a guitar player in my 40+ years of playing that a pick can make a difference when I play.

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Yeah… If not for @Flatpickin_Libby’s post, and @Michael_Mark’s link for the appropriate size, I would not have bought this blue chip pick yet. I too was glad that I did it and I’m still. Bevel could make a difference, but mine is not beveled though. The pick is thick but it is lighter at the same time for its thickness! I used to work for an aerospace product manufacturing company. They make composite material that is lighter than aluminum but stronger than steel that they use in aircrafts. That’s what makes me wonder something in the material that makes it stand apart.