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Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Two Pros on two vintage Martin Guitars

From the 81crowe YouTube channel (Russ Carson), here are two Pros (Ron Block and Jake Workman) on two vintage Martin guitars. Hope you enjoy…


I love this video. Anything Jake Workman is the best!


Ron Block is none too shabby either. Although he did seem a little shy when I first spoke with him at Stirling when he toured the UK with Tony Furtado a couple of years back. Tony was getting all the attention during the break when I went over to him to say hello. I don’t think Ron realised he had such a big following over here because when I got done chatting with him he was swamped by the crowd.


Ya i saw this a few weeks ago. I Think it’s really cool how Jake is pretty much the fastest player i’ve ever seen, but yet he can slow it done and put so much taste and heart into it. When I play in the Heavenly Band i hope i can play like Jake Workman.

Just kidding I think the Heavenly band will be a whole lot better than any of our music :smile:


That lick at :39… whoa

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The entire thing deserves a whoaa

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