Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!



If so, I’m not against it. But even if it is not in a literal manner, I’m not going to be against that too. It is a non-issue to me, or to anyone who wants to be spiritual for that matter. I have not studied these science, I don’t know if I’ll have to time to do it either in the future, as other priority things are there.

My point is, endorsements for scriptures have to come from above (God), and not from beneath (world)! As Jesus would not believe in the testimony of men, rather he sought God’s testimony!

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The Bible never contradicts true science. I’m sure we can all agree to that.

A lot of deception and lies are being paraded as science today. I’m sure we can all agree to that too.

Y’all do your own research - it’s a fun topic. Hard to stop thinking about once you start!


With regards to the moon landing, I honestly don’t care if it was faked, and I personally couldn’t prove it one way or another. If it was fake, well then the government was lying to us!!! WHOA! Big suprise! :joy:


Totally agree. !00%.

Correct. But it is not just with science, believe it or not, every single thing is a scam. In other words, you cannot show me one single thing that is not a scam. It is a huge statement, but it is true! Think about it. :slight_smile:


Gold pick memberships? :joy:


lol. You’re making Ben come to the witness stand now!


@Flatpickin_Libby do you believe the earth is suspended or rests upon something?

I believe it rests on pillars and foundations, surrounded by water, and beneath that is hell.


Before you bring up the verse in Job - yes, the entire thing, foundations and all, ultimately hangs on nothing and is held up by God’s hand.


So the entire foundation is considered earth and suspended.

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I don’t really have a solid opinion with this stuff, I’m just very skeptical about what science says and I tend to lean more toward the earth is flat, there was no moon landing etc.


So how about other observably round planets? Are they all fake? Or is the earth the only one that’s flat?

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Just thinking about it this way. Which picture includes God and which picture writes Him out?

Billions of galaxies, everything flying and spinning, the sun is the central god and we are just floating on a tiny speck.

The earth is fixed and the center of God’s eye, with a literal heaven above and hell beneath. It was specially created for man and man alone, as aliens and outer space do not exist. In other words, it’s His footstool.


I fail to see how believing that the earth is a sphere is mutually exclusive to biblical Christianity. :joy:

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Starship will even be capable of Mars. And it’s not fake: Elon Musk has no reason to dump 10 billion dollars into a fake program.

This whole thing of flat earth theories and moon landing theories is, in my opinion, a joke. There is simply no way that the entire government, and the entire science community to boot, could propogate a hoax without somebody providing proof that an individual planned the hoax. If you can’t prove that, say, Copernicus intentionally attempted to deceive humanity, than I have no motivation to listen to your claims.

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All the “planets” are lights. Every one. Lights in the sky to serve the earth, for days and seasons and times and years as Genesis states. Fine that they’re round - we’re flat! They are also very small and very close, as is the sun. And that’s scientifically proven (you just won’t hear about it).


Oh no, we have a believer, folks.

I’m probably not gonna say any more, but I’ll just leave this here, have fun spending hours refuting the points :joy:

Also, my iPhone literally has more power than the computer that controlled the Saturn V rocket. Yes, we have the technology. :joy:

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