Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

My poor English. That sounds right!

Gunnar you are STILL typing???

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Easy to throw such accusations out there without backing them up.

I’ve only ever heard of one person doing it, and that was Steve Kaufman.
If you can point to anyone else that gets good tone with one, I will respectfully retract my statement. If you are unable to, then it sounds like maybe my point was true and/or thought out.

Can you please add a quotation on that? Also, for reference, since you did not accept my point that time isn’t everything, your profile claims bluegrass since 2017. How long before that did you play music, and which instrument/s? Because I don’t think anyone that I mentioned has been playing for less than 2.5 years.

Fake news. I can almost guarantee that I’ve put in at least a few hundred more practice hours than you. I don’t know what you mean by “a good while” but if that doesn’t mean “at least 7 hours” then spent more time practicing than you for at least several years.

Again, I don’t know when you started, but considering your age, the windspeed, and rotation of the (flat) earth, I’m going to call this statement a steaming pile of male bovine excrement, if you’ll pardon my french canadian.

Then why didn’t you just say “hey guys, I actually do play with others. All my complaining about my isolation and never jamming was a set of elaborately crafted falsehoods that I am now abandoning since they no longer serve my interest”, instead of just calling people names and making baseless assertions that could have more easily and convincingly been backed up with this fact???
Also, contra dancing is awesome, and I don’t think I would play for one cuz I’d rather be dancing.

To be clear, I did not say you haven’t tried them. In fact, I don’t recall anyone saying you hadn’t tried anything except for actually listening to bluegrass before saying it sucks…

Well, get yourself an expensive microphone and then we’ll judge you through that. Until then, we go on what we have. Any comment you’ve made about my playing has been based on video recorded through the onboard microphone on a cheap android, but you don’t hear me complaining or defending.

No, contrary to popular belief, the forum doesn’t revolve around you. The people on this thread will just as happily bash Michael for being a city boy, Shaky for being Canadian, any Lindblom because of Jake, or me because I’m an idiot. You just so happen to be currently espousing opinions (which you have a right to) that are wrong.
It’s like when they actually allow free speech, they rely on people having common sense to weed out bad ideas, like the idea the DLQ had no good singers.

No, you’ve said that yourself, and we assumed you were telling the truth.

Hey you finally said something we all agree with! :joy:
Ok jk I’ll try to stop being so hard on you…

But you haven’t moved to prove any of them wrong. Also, you’re assuming a lot about our assumptions, which to me is usually a sign of projecting, but I couldn’t make that call based on that alone.

I won’t speak for the others (since I don’t think that highly of myself) but I would say somewhere between Willy Nelson and the price of gas. But I don’t usually let that impair my judgement. If I’m ever proven wrong (Shocking I know, but it does happen occasionally) I always gracefully use some excuse or misdirection to make it seem like I actually was right anyway, and that you were wrong for thinking I actually believed something so wrong. Then you go away feeling like the goober. But that’s just me, and I think Michael is probably similar.

Have you tried giving opinions that are right? E.G. how barns are actually pretty?
But mainly, it’s just when you admit to not knowing what you’re talking about that you think that.
Also, you left all of the stated points about teachability untouched, which probably begs the question, how highly do YOU think of YOURSELF anyway?

This is true, Libby is always civil and friendly except when Michael threatens to disrespect Jake.

Mac Powell is the GOAT and also one of their guitarists, Jason Hoard, is an accomplished bluegrass mandolinist in Nashville.

Please don’t y’all this. I have not expressed an opinion on the BC thumbpick up to this point. And I have so far agreed with you about Bluechip picks, a fact that you seem bent on ignoring because it doesn’t serve your “me vs the world” underdog narrative.

The other Literal GOAT!!

actually, he’s from utah, so it’s more likely that he’s lds…

Yes, If you want to be seen and not heard.

I take back everything I ever said about you!!

This is a phenomenon known as planned obsolescence, and was introduced to recent generations by the General Motors corporation in the early part of the 20th century. It is good for business in the short term, but on a larger scale creates consumer-base issues down the line.
I have heard enough firsthand stories of apple doing it that doubt would seem unreasonable.

That’s a more accurate timeline. I think most items are designed to outlast the extended warranty by about three months.

I’ve actually done this before as a demonstration. I’ll tell someone about something, and the be like, watch this. I open instagram and it’s the first ad. I’ve done this enough to rule out coincidence.

This is probable. I used to hate thick picks, cuz they felt terrible and sounded worse, but then my technique got better (looser pickhold) and I started to love the thicker ones. Now it’s all I use.

I begin my reply at the top of the unreads, and then I respond to things as I read them. So I’m not really typing the whole time, but I am reading the thread with the reply box open.

@LorenDB from what I’ve seen Linux is the libertarian form of OS


What do you mean by libertarian in this case?

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I did try them, I just decided to try them again :joy:


I did back them up, YOU just didn’t look :upside_down_face::wink:

I started playing guitar in 2014

You know, I actually think the earth might be flat. I don’t believe anything “science” says anymore

I don’t play with others often, or attend bluegrass jams. I forgot about the contra dances haha.

I honestly have a hard time not laughing, I just focus on my instrument.

I love bluegrass! I never said it sucks, I just prefer instrumental bluegrass for the most part.

Sorry, can’t afford it.



Well that’s good to know. You took back the hundred million things you’ve said about me.

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It is flat. I’m completely serious. I’ve believed that for about a decade now. The King James Bible proves it!


Nice! I’m not fully convinced but I don’t trust people who say I came from an ape :joy: There’s also evidence for it.


Watch the video I posted. I’m fully convinced. It’s so, so ridiculous that people believe outer space even exists. I could go on and on. But just watch the video!


I don’t really believe people ever went to the moon either. My brother is a space enthusiast so he gets mad, but I’m very skeptical of all that stuff.


I will soon

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Of course we didn’t go to the moon. That’s the biggest joke of everything. 50 years ago, yet we don’t have the technology to go back. They just know they can’t fool people so easily again.

This is a very good video about the moon landing lie.

The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.
Psalm 115:16


My dad has told me about that video! People who still believe it are ignoring a lot of things. They just want it to be true so they hold onto it :joy:That’s certainly the case with my brother.


I’ve done a ton of study on it. It’s really eye-opening and incredible. The depth of deception in our world today is so massive, way bigger than evolution and humanism - we’ve been lied to about our entire universe. According to the Bible, the earth is flat and enclosed beneath the dome of the firmament with God and heaven above and hell beneath. The sun and moon rotate within the firmament. WE are the center of God’s creation because we have an eternal soul and we exist with purpose! To some who have always just laughed this off as a “conspiracy theory,” I encourage you to think about it seriously - I know it seems shocking at first, but the truth is really freeing.




@Flatpickin_Libby, there is fake, then there is deep fake. Don’t believe both. Stay tuned for truth!

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II Timothy 3:16,17
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

So, Bible is not intended for anything other than the above. It is for spiritual things. It is not intended to describe each and every aspect of creation etc.

Let us counter it this way. Say, someone is standing or an object is still. How would you describe it - stationary or moving? Even in science it is described stationary but in really it is moving as the earth is moving. Then why they say stationary? So science wrong?? No. But that’s how you communicate so the other could understand!

In John 3:12, Jesus says,
12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?

The Bible is also to tell us the truth about God’s creation in a literal manner. Which is all entirely 100% proven by TRUE science. Not the “oppositions of science falsely so called” that’s considered science today. Just curious have you studied this? It’s a very intriguing and fascinating topic.

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