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The Greatest Lie on Earth: Proof That Our World Is Not a Moving Globe

This is a good book that I think almost everyone in our family has read. Shows how all the pictures of the round globe that you see everywhere were totally faked with facts that prove it. Really a neat book

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@LorenDB I understand how you feel. I was once skeptical of this stuff too. It has taken the satanist cult called NASA an entire half century to begin putting out new technology to fool the world again. I think they are finally getting close again as they’re starting to put out Mars stories. Eventually it’s going to be a great big alien abduction that perfectly explains the Rapture. By the way, NASA has admitted in their own words that 99% of their pictures are CGI.


P.s. Linux boi is a smart dude.

False. There is no observable center of the universe. The solar system revolves around Sagittarius A*, which itself is moving through space. It’s all a matter of what your point of reference is.

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Hey @Michael_Mark let’s shake on a challenge. I’ll watch that video, you watch the two I posted above.


My video is like 2 minutes! :joy:

Haha. I’ll watch a few of Tony rice to make the time fair


Ummm… possibly because there’s not enough real facts to prove it?

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To put it simply, NASA no longer has to worry about beating the Russians, since we already did. Elon Musk is building Moon/Mars rockets because he wants humans to inhabit the solar system.

More after lunch.

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It wasn’t only to beat the Russians. It’s a big Antichrist agenda. It’s to deceive the world.

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It’s not CGI, it’s composites of photographs pieced together. To have a picture of a large area, you have to create a composite image. The satellites orbiting the earth are like only a few hundred miles above us.

The pictures of the earth from the moon are fake is what I’m saying.

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Into what exactly? How is believing in a spherical earth or heliocentric universe going to stop someone from following Jesus?

Or because the flat earth argument only takes about 2-3 minutes of verifiable evidence to discredit? :joy:

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No. There are lots of Christians who will stand against evolution but not heliocentrism. I used to be one, and I’ve debated with them, and I understand them. They’re certainly still saved. Just afraid to open their eyes to even bigger truths.

This is a mindset that the devil wants children indoctrinated with, so everyone born into today’s world believes we exist with no purpose and no God. And that we can go beyond this earth and inhabit the universe (impossible - God forbade it. Tower of Babel comes to mind.). This is setting up the end times perfectly in a world where outer space aliens can sweep away half the population at anytime.

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Google has blacklisted Christian-perspective, logical, Bible-proven, scientifically-sound flat earth proofs. YouTube won’t search for it. You’ll just pull up the foul mouthed atheistic mockers. There’s way more than 2-3 minutes of proof out there!! But have fun finding it. The Celebrate Truth channel that I linked to has a lot of solid Biblical facts.

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Actually, I find that looking into the wonders of vast space and the solar system makes me more mindful of my Creator, not pushes me away from believing in God.

Abraham Lincoln said, “I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how a man could look up into the heavens and say there is no God.”

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I’ve heard a lot of Christians say that. But the heliocentric universe is way more interwoven to Big Bang evolutionism than you might think by not digging deeper into this study. The billions of galaxies theory has no heaven. No hell. No God. No protected, specially created, enclosed, special earth. Once again, the documentary I posted explains this really well without me ranting for hours as I’m trying to refrain myself from doing.


I believe that there are billions of galaxies that God created, and I also believe in Hell, which is a literal place in the center of the earth, and Heaven, which is beyond the human boundaries of the second heaven, and God, who saved my soul and wants me to get on with serving Him.

Well, you’re still saved, just afraid to open your eyes to the truth that Tony is the best, so who are you to cast the first stone. :joy:

Talk to y’all later, knock yourselves out

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