Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

Wait so it’s fun but not beautiful? You really are weird.

I’ve never tried it, but it seems fun. I’ve heard it, and it’s not beautiful :joy:

I typed that before I saw that part.

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My goodness, do you know how to give an example other than them or Tony Rice?

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Yeah, that looks fun. But it’s not beautiful… In my opinion. Guess I’ll add that.

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Quintet but whatever

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I know what it sounds like. It sounds fun and talented, but it just doesn’t strike me as “beautiful”

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Expanding to a sextet…

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*everyday. It should be uncapitalized, and I always use the contracted form. I meant precisely what I typed.

*Advised. Stupid spell check.

My point exactly

Prov. 18:13

That’s fine. Have your own wrong opinions, we live in a country where you have the right to be wrong. But when you come on here and share them and then complain that the rest of us are just blindly following what someone told us, and that you have achieved true enlightenment, even though you haven’t experienced or heard the other side, then you are just patting yourself on the back for being so clever.

I also love how instead of answering literally any of my points you just tried to point out grammatical flaws (that’s what I get for trying to write in a way that you could understand) and mentioned the two points on which we are in agreement.


Doesn’t matter what you always use, it’s still wrong… You would use that form when saying something like “everyday life” not “we do that everyday”. It would be “we do that every day.”

You’re still avoiding any of my (very pointy) points, by hiding behind an ad hominem attack, which denotes a knowledge of your own error, and a stubborn, perhaps prideful, inability to admit to your own imperfections.
But please do correct me if I’m wrong on this point.

Also, you may be correct about the rules of english grammar, but I wrote what I meant, and I’m just cocky enough to stick by it even if it’s wrong. Supposedly funner isn’t a word, but I use it all the time too. Rules are meant to be broken sometimes. (And other times they aren’t but I break them anyway, either because rules are stupid and I’m a libertarian, or because I’m just an arrogant little snot who thinks he knows better than whoever made the rule)


And maybe I just thought it was my turn to be on the thread title…


Like your thin pick??


They wouldn’t make thin picks if they were just wrong. Plus, I don’t consider what I use to be thin. I’ve used truly thin picks before and they’re terrible. Mine don’t flex when they hit the string, so they’re thick enough. You just want me to use one that’s like picking with a quarter and I’m not doing that. It’s kinda ridiculous that the thickness of the pick I use is such a big deal to you.

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Pretty good replies, @Dragonslayer!


Lots of what he said wasn’t even true or well thought out, you just agree because it was against me not liking Blue Chips :joy::joy:

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Which part? If you would graciously elaborate

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Well for one, he said it’s impossible to get good tone with a pick smaller than .85. Maybe he can’t, but that doesn’t mean that nobody else can. He also said that people who have been playing half as long as I have have more experience than me. I guarantee I’ve played more than any of y’all, I don’t just slack off and put instruments aside for weeks at a time, I literally practice for a good while every day. And I’ve been doing that for years longer than any of you. I do play with others, just not all the time. I’m actually currently being payed to play in a band at contra dances. So yeah, I have experience playing with others. I also play with my sister a good bit. I’ve used thicker picks and didn’t like them, so saying that I’m just saying that without trying them is ridiculous. I HAVE tried them. And to think that you can judge a person’s tone through a cheap microphone is really ridiculous as well.

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