Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

I’m surprised you don’t think they’re trash, given that iPhones are the cool thing and most people have them :joy:


I’ve realized that my progress on every instrument has kinda halted lately. I just haven’t taken the time to learn new things, even though there’s still TONS of stuff for me to learn. So, I’m gonna make sure I learn at least one new musical thing every day from now on. Whether it be a lick, a bit of theory, some new concept, just SOMETHING. I really want to start progressing again and getting better at improvising etc. So I have lots of theory and licks to learn. To be completely honest, I know practically no theory and I think that stuff could be very beneficial to me at this point. So today, I just learned about 6ths on the banjo and how to use them and improvise with them. I’m not good at it yet but hopefully I’ll be able to start incorporating them once I get comfortable with the idea. Any other ideas on good stuff to learn?


Hope that was not a tooth pick! :wink:

Btw @Mason_Crone deep down you know we all love you! :slight_smile:


Wow… there are so many posts! This thread has "pick"ed up steam again!!

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I hope so😂


Somehow I think @theCrazyEight has achieved beginner level in picking on today. Or am I wrong?

… and that if the world was better off without both or not.


Adding to Libby’s list:

Alan Bibey and Grasstowne, Gonna Rise and Shine

Chris Thile, Not All Who Wander Are Lost

Claybank, No Escape

Sideline, Front and Center


Hang on, 1-2 recommendations is actually really easy.

  • Any album with Tony Rice on it

  • Any album with Doyle Lawson on it


No that’s just something we do everyday


This is true. Good equipment doesn’t make you a good musician, just like being a good musician doesn’t mean you can automatically afford quality gear. But you will find that most good musicians prefer better gear, as do many less than stellar musicians.
I personally use a $3 pick, a $16 Capo, and play a cheap mandolin and a banjo that was given to me.
But I also maintain that it is almost impossible to pull good tone out of a pick thinner than .85mm and it is impossible to get both volume and tone. You don’t need a 3mm pick, but I think 1.2mm is about as thin as can still sound good acoustically.

I literally didn’t think it was a misspelling, I was just confused by why you randomly decided to go drinking in the middle of english lit…

Well, unless you use a different mic for each instrument, we can get a pretty good idea of what you would sound like in person by comparing the sound of your different instruments into the mic. Because I know what banjos like yours and mandolins like yours sound like in person, I can compare that with the video sound and then extrapolate through reverse engineering of idea what your guitar would sound like in person.

… ummmm yeah when are you gonna release your book, “Humility and how I attained it: one mans fictional journey”?

In the examples you gave Michael has far better tone. Now this is mainly because you played the song so fast there was no tone, just notes. If you had slowed to the tempo that Michael played it at, it would become very apparent that you were using a really thin pick. Also, you had a lot more pick click than you claim, but it’s very quiet and thin, just like the notes and the pick. (and I’m not trying to be mean, or defensive of Michael, just being honest (I roast Michael probably more than you))

Actually, in person his tone is really good and loud. I don’t know if he’s changed since I played with him last, but he can keep up with a banjo in volume.

Thick picks are hard because they require good technique or you drop it. Most beginners like thinner picks, and as their technique improves they’ll use thicker picks. I used to dislike thick ones for that reason, but after I fixed my right hand, I came to despise thin picks.

Well, he is a fair deal more experienced than you in the bluegrass world

Show me on the cheap yamaha guitar where the bluechip pick hurt you…
What in the name of Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya Del Rosa is your deal with BC picks? I’ve mentioned several times good quality picks that are a fraction of BC prices, and you have yet to even acknowledge that they exist.

Ah the underdog fallacy, extremely popular with hippies, Democrats, and people who listen to Indie music. It is the counterintuitive concept that because everyone does a thing, it is inherently wrong. I so quickly recognized it because I, too, am a reactionary contrarian. But sometimes you should stop and think, “maybe there’s a reason everybody agrees about this”…

Ok, I realize that nobody listens to me, and that’s fine, what do I know, I’m just a low level semi pro musician getting paid small to reasonable amounts to play shows and recording for Up and coming country artists. BUT I HAVE LITERALLY SAID JUST ABOUT EVERY TIME THE SUBJECT COMES UP THAT PRIMETONES ARE EVERY BIT AS GOOD AS BUECHIP PICKS!!! I literally set out to buy a bluechip, and in comparing them, discovered I liked my primetone just as much. So STOP PATTING YOUR OWN BACK ABOUT BEING SUCH A UNIQUE COUNTERCULTURAL UNDERDOG. Other people have had the same opinions as you long before you even had one.

Wait, Michael just used an analogy, it wasn’t music related, it made sense, and it was from the automotive industry… I’m incredibly shocked, I didn’t know you had it in you

Well, while it isn’t your fault that you don’t already know anyone to play with, In your area it isn’t that hard to find pickers within a reasonable distance, so it is your fault that you continue to not know any.
Also, playing with others is an experience. And it’s one that we’ve all (or at least most of us) had. Time spent playing is an experience, and while I don’t know how long you’ve been playing, I think it would be a safe bet to say you haven’t been playing the longest of anyone here.
Performing on stage is an experience, and it’s one that several of us have lots of experience with, and I don’t think you have (or at least you haven’t mentioned it)
Playing with and getting advise from better players is a very good experience for getting better, and that’s one at least most of us have had.
So we aren’t just whistling Dixie when we say we’re more experienced. There are solid metrics that prove that.
Now that doesn’t mean that all of your opinions are invalid, or that we’re all better than you. But it does mean that sometimes your word isn’t Gospel, and it would look a lot better on you to occasionally actually consider that you might learn something from the person you’re talking to, and remember, to learn you have to admit that you don’t know everything.
And I know you’re going to roll your eyes, but I used to be that way, and I am slowly growing out of it. But the faster you grow out of it, the faster you will grow out of it.
(I would have said at your age, but I was actually a fair deal younger than you in that phase)

Yes, and we all appreciate false humility far more than we probably should. But you’re on equal footing with them, so you may as well include yourself

In isolated quantities, no. But tell me this, how many takes do you take on average to get a good one. How many good licks (let alone entire solos) do you come up with on a regular basis? Can you hear a song you’ve never heard before and play along with it on the first listen? Can you take a solo? Can you string together 10 songs playing well with perfect tone on first take? There’s a lot more to driving than rev matching your shifts, to borrow Michael’s (strange for his interest, although I guess it makes sense cuz he just got licensed) analogy.

Yoooooooo I almost choked I’m laughing so hard. That was one of the best roasts I’ve seen all week!!!

Boo. If you can act it then you should just confidently live it! I’m every bit as conceited as I act, and you know what? People like me better for it, because they don’t have to guess whether or not I’m being genuine.

I’ve actually become greatly vexed by this, several of their ads are really inappropriate, and I’ll be trying to show someone a video and something bad comes up.

No, because then I would have to be on his side, and I don’t know that I want to do that. I’ll take my chances agreeing with a weirdo that says barns are ugly before I side with a weirdo that doesn’t like DLQ…


Ya know, it’s not against YouTube’s terms of service. YouTube makes the download interface available. It’s their problem if they don’t turn it off.


No, you should debate me.


*Every day. Ha! I have corrected the master.

Actually, what a coincidence. I finished writing that book awhile back. Now I just have to finish editing it and then it’s off to the publisher.

Now that’s just embarrassing.

I’ve been playing a lot longer than he has, so…

Name some now! Because I will gladly try a new thick pick at your recommendation as long as it isn’t $35.

Very rarely is that the case, everyone is completely different so if one thing is just perfect for everybody then it’s probably in a lot of people’s heads. I’m sure you know that that is generally true.

I’m not patting my back, I’m just saying that I’m trying to find out stuff for myself and not just go with what people tell me.

Well I haven’t had any luck so far. Of course I don’t do many social activities, but that’s because there’s really not much I’m interested in. I haven’t heard of any bluegrass events in the area.

*Advice. Wow, I have corrected you twice now.

That’s exactly what I thought yesterday, complete false humility. He knows he’s on their level :joy:

Me too, which is why no ads is great.

He’s also the weirdo who’s favorite color is gray, who despises anything beautiful or fun, and also thinks cities are prettier than country sunsets. I’m just a slight weirdo.

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I got one thing to say regarding @Dragonslayer’s post…



Quartet singing is beautiful AND fun, and I love quartet singing whilst you still go “meh” at the DLQ quartet :joy:


Well it certainly isn’t beautiful, I see how it could be fun though.

Dude!!! He literally said PRIMETONES!!!

True true, so very true.

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That’s probably cause you’ve never done it. Being in the middle of 3 other harmonizers and hearing your baritone interval somehow gradually but quickly resolve is one of the most fun things I’ve ever done.

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I said it could be fun.
