Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

Well you said people use them because their heroes use them. That’s not the case for me


Everyone says Blue Chips are incredible. I just know that a certain piece of equipment won’t make that much difference. If it’s the thickness you like, you can get a thick pick for a very low price. Insisting that a certain brand makes such a huge difference is just ridiculous to me. I’m sure you could even find an inexpensive one almost identical to the Blue Chip.

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It’s the material just as much as the thickness


Oh no, here comes Libby. Sorry Libby. Remember, I like Jake!


You guys always try to drag me into these chats… Mason would not be happy with a lot of my replies so I don’t need to bother. Although, remember, this is Ben Clark’s site. Who sells and uses and endorses BlueChip picks. We don’t want to act like know-it-alls when we’re not. :grin:


That’s true, my argument is about the size and shape, not the brand. I just haven’t found another brand that makes something close enough to the TP1R shape, which is perfect for me.

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One word to Mason: just one word!!! And it will be a friendly one!!!

If you like Jake, prove it to me in ONE WAY-

Get a lesson with him. And ask HIS opinion on a lot of the things you think.

Take it or leave it. :grinning:


Nah, too expensive :joy:

Which I understand in that case, the man is famous and busy.

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Well then you are the least bit serious about getting good. Sorry, but that’s flat out the truth.


I like how now we are required to prove our undying love for Jake.

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No, it certainly isn’t. Paying for a very expensive lesson with a pro isn’t necessarily the only way to get good. It’s effective, but there are other ways and that’s the way I’m going.


Plus I’m only really serious about banjo right now.

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I got three lessons with Jake. He gave me the concepts I need for the rest of my life. I just need to put them to use now. :joy:

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Well then at least listen to the opinions of some that are more experienced than you. I think some (Most?) of us are tired of you coming in here and shooting off all your opinions and saying that they are absolutely facts when we all came here to learn from Banjo Ben.


See… :joy: the expert reveals his true background!!

And who says y’all are more experienced than me? All of you just assume I’m a beginner😂

All :joy:


Well, for one, you don’t play with others.

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And usually I’m not the one who starts it… And this forum is more for talking and discussions than learning.