Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

The ones your arguing with (not me :laughing:) are more experienced than you. Yes.


It’s not my fault that I don’t know anyone to play with.

How do you know that? Your siblings and Michael are more experienced than me?

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Because you agree with them, that makes them more experienced. Gotcha.

They are willing to admit they’re not always right. We’re all beginners and we all need to listen to others’ opinions and not treat our own as facts.


I didn’t say it was your fault! It’s also not my fault that I don’t have a million dollars to invest in stocks. I’m also not going to say that I’m right about all my opinions about trading stock😂


Mason, what makes you more experienced?

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I never said I’m more experienced, I just said that they aren’t more experienced than me either.

Ok so you just happen to be perfectly equal in experience. Gotcha. :joy:

Since when? I’ve never heard any of them say they might be wrong about Blue Chips.

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They’ve taken private lessons, attended festivals, jammed with others, and played in bands. That’s all experience.


I said that

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But that’s just different ways of playing your instrument, which I do all the time as well. I would do that stuff if I could, I never get the opportunity though.

And that’s great! But you asked how others might be more experienced than you. Those may be some examples…


Mason: how are you guys more experienced drivers than me??
Luke: We can make u-turns, parallel park, merge onto highways…
Mason: But that’s just different ways of using the car!! I can drive around a parking lot!! I would drive on the highways but there’s no highways where I live… it’s not my fault!!


I’m certainly not talking about myself! I’m talking about Michael, Libby, and Timothy maybe :joy:


I never said that everything I said was right either. I’ve only said a Bluechip does make a difference (that’s true wether you think a good or bad difference) and that they are louder than a thinner pick for me. I don’t think they are for everyone but they are for me.


But I don’t think any of y’all necessarily play better than I do. I’m just talking playing skill, not hanging out and doing it with others. And I’m not saying I play better than y’all either, just to be clear.

Mason: Hey, what more experience do you guys have than me??
Luke: playing in bands, jamming, festivals, private lessons with pros…
Mason: I can’t do those so those don’t count


The better you get, the worse you realize you are