Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

Ok here’s me through a REALLY bad mic for comparison (my camera’s onboard mic)


I actually thought you sounded better than normal in that video.

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Well there’s your problem :joy: That’s the worst audio I have on my channel. period. I’m just gonna say it, mean or not. Your ears cannot hear good tone. It’ll come with time. But you are right now just bad at hearing good tone. IT’S OK. Everybody is bad at some point. Just don’t go around acting like you’re a genius non conformist for thinking bad tone is good tone.

Here’s Joe Robinson (one of the best guitarists in the world) recommending thick picks… (1:05)


I can hear what sounds good and what doesn’t. You act so condescending. I didn’t say the audio was great, I said your playing sounded more solid than usual. That has nothing to do with audio quality.

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You’re the one who acts condescending!! :joy: You just roasted my playing for like 20 posts. What’s true is true.


Because you act like the Blue Chip makes your playing perfect. And you act like you’re just so much better and more musically developed than I am when that’s not the case.

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Show me where I acted like that.

I didn’t. I just said that my BlueChip sounds better and pulls more volume and less pick noise than your Dunlop .73, which by the way I own one of those (or owned, it’s somewhere around… I think…) Used to be my main pick. Until I moved beyond strumming chords and started being a flatpicker, and realized that it wasn’t gonna cut it.

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You have said multiple times now that I just have a bad ear and I can’t hear what good tone is. I’m not saying Blue Chip makes people sound bad, it’s just not better. So because we disagree, that just means that my hearing isn’t in line. You don’t even consider the fact that you could be wrong. People overrate things. People exaggerate. I’m sure you know that. It has nothing to do with “not being able to hear tone” It’s all opinion. And to you, your opinion is just right and I don’t know what I’m talking about.

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Mason. I fully consider the fact that I could be wrong about everything I believe every day. Any rational thinker would do so. It only seems like I don’t consider that my point be wrong because you have failed to prove the point wrong. :joy:


Told ya he was gonna get mad…


Blue Chip picks are the “cool” thing. Several pros use them so most amateurs just have a biased opinion about them. You spend $35 on a pick, of course you’re gonna be as optimistic as you can about it. You don’t want to feel that you’ve wasted that much money. People will tear your head off if you try to say that they’re overrated, so you pretty much have to agree. I just know that a pick isn’t gonna make that much difference to so many people. Everyone has different opinions and preferences. There’s no way that it’s actually perfect to everyone like most people say.


Have you ever realized that what you’re saying is YOUR opinion which you don’t think is wrong? :joy:


He would get mad if I said the grass is green.

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Really, we can’t leave you two alone for more than two minutes on the forum without you squabbling like chickens! :roll_eyes: :joy:


I’m thinking rationally and logically and not just going with what everyone says. So I think it’s way more likely that I would be right than you. But who knows, maybe I’m wrong.

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This is you proposing a theory about the psychological effects surrounding a sunk cost fallacy. It has nothing to do with proving your proposition about the BlueChip 1.5 mm pick not giving better tone than your .73 pick. In other words, you are utilizing a straw man argument.


And the funny thing is we’re good friends. We just annoy the heck out of each other. :man_shrugging:


It’s not, it’s blue actually.


Aren’t you colorblind?

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