Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

That was your first mistake.

And that’s what I get for egging you on :joy: Honestly, you’ve never seen me before so you can’t comment on any physical qualities of my appearance! And you’ve got to watch who you call “better fed”. You’re going to get in serious trouble with a girl someday if you refer to her as “better fed” :joy:


Yeah, she’s a good singer too. Of course Bela Fleck is liberal as well, he’s a little more quiet about it though😂

You asked for it :man_shrugging:t2:
At least it was eloquent

That doesn’t stop you from making assumptions about my personality.
Plus, I can make inferences. For one, you didn’t deny it. For another, it’s very hard to be always surrounded by corn and not eat any of it.
But when using sarcasm, truth is irrelevant.

In my country that’s a compliment… but I usually don’t say it to your face anyway lol


Yeah, for sure😂 Didn’t catch that. I skipped all the poetry.

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@Mason_Crone @Michael_Mark help me with this crazy guy! He’s going to get himself in serious trouble someday.

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I don’t know what to do with him, I’m not even regular!

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But yeah @Dragonslayer, never say anything to a girl about what she eats…


Especially when you have no idea what that girl eats…


Thank you @Mason_Crone. Maybe he’ll listen to you. :woman_shrugging:


I’ve never tried it, but I know guys that have. If you do it, do it to a city girl. Country girls will get even and that aint pretty.


Yep. So watch out, Gunnar, it’ll be comin’ back at you one of these days :joy:


I know actually a lot about what she eats…
Also, I didn’t say anything about what she eats. I might have kinda been hoping that the portent of my soliloquy might have become lost in the circumlocutive nature of my phrasing.

Ooh, I’m real scared now.

Literally, that sounds like a very empty threat. Maybe if you had ended with an evil laugh emoji it could be taken seriously?
Even in the extremely unlikely case that your threat is serious (if indeed you are capable of being anything less than pleasant to any non sibling), I am ready and waiting for it. If in personal insult, I do not hold myself to be above criticism, nor do I take myself so seriously as to resent humor at my expense. Nay, indeed I would hear if I am to be roasted so I may laugh as well.
If in physical remuneration, well I think that you would only succeed in injuring yourself (as has befallen arguably stronger women).
And if you have devised another, perhaps more insidious punishment, I should welcome it with such masochism as I can muster at short notice.
So in essence, I defy you to make me genuinely rue the day I decided to cross words with such a nobly rotund keyboard warrior as yourself.

Your move


Hey HEEEEEYYYYY Della Mae! I’ll get even some day!


What’s comin’ back? What you ate? :thinking: :wink:


Hey y’all ever listen to the Band of Ruhks? It’s like classic Lonesome River Band, but without Sammy. (Kenny Smith, Don Rigsby, Ronnie Bowman)

The concept reminds me of the New Quicksilver (which was another great band by the way)

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The sounds real good! Never heard of them before. Really like Meyers banjo playing.

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Man I’m just listening to that again, they got a real tight sound. Very locked in. Kennys rhythm playing is awesome.

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I love the rake at the beginning of the choruses.