That’s great @JohnM! I think the 60 thickness is the best of all the BlueChips. You’ll just love it more and more the longer you have it. What I love about BlueChip picks is they just feel like an extension of your hand - super comfortable and sturdy!
The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!
Absolutely! I felt it to be ditto like you described it!
He’s not going to take the bait… or is he?
(Lets kick it off, that’s a stone! )
It is not! It’s a fossilized egg!
I see where it is headed… haha
It’s a pet.
Ok folks, so, this seems clever, but in reality it’s just a very poor attempt at creating a post hoc argument, ok the fact that you posted a picture of a rock in no way necessitates that peoplewillargue, okperiod.Andthe statementthatpeoplewillargueaboutanythingisevenmoreridiculous, ok, it literally in nowaycorrelatesto a picture of a rock, ok that’s just reality. So really, the notion that you posting a picture of a rock will somehow cause people to argue is absolutely insane. Ok gang and Mason Crone should really know this, given that he essentially lives under a rock, this is the same guy who said that Doyle Lawson’s band doesn’t have vocal talent. okit’sthesameperson! Like this guy is just absolutely nuts. Okwe’llget to more on Mason Crone and muchmuch more in just one second, but first
What, are you stoned? (See what I did there? Rock – stoned). It’s tough being this clever.
And you’re the guy who says buildings and cities are beautiful and barns are eyesores. That’s way worse than saying a bunch of howling men don’t sound good.
I actually think the Dillards’ singing sounds pretty good. I forgot about them.
Doesn’t this sound a bit silly when a small kid (that has no fear or favor) would tell which is more beautiful??
You, my friend, are a hopeless gossip.
Hey you said go ahead! This is spiral thread material!
Mr. I’mNotDogmaticIt’sJustThatMyOpinionsAreRight
Well you and everybody else is like that too, so…
Alas, what travesty over the ubiquitous, trite opinions of mankind!
I shall make a confession. I really have no idea what I’m talking about. It just really tears y’all up when I saw DL&Q isn’t that good so it’s kinda funny. I can literally make the whole forum explode, it’s like I have a super power But the fact is, I’ve only heard Doyle’s band do one song. Just one song. And I haven’t heard the song since I was about 10. And I remember it was pretty good. So yeah