Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

Well, I got rear ended coming home from Knoxville tonight


Oh man, is the damage bad?


Oh no!
1st - Hope you’re alright & the other folks too.
2nd - Hope your car is still drivable.


Sorry to hear that… Hope you alright.


Oh no! Gunnar, are you okay? How bad is the damage?




Wish it was April fool but the timing of it sounds like from April 2.

From the pic, it looks like total for a used car.


Oh boy, that’s too bad. Gunnar is fine though?


I think so…


That’s good.


Oh no! Are you going to have to look for a new car? Or is the damage repairable?


Insurance should cover in both cases. If the used car value is less than or equal to $4000, the repair cost would probably exceed 80% of its value. In that case it is total loss. He might as well get the money and decide later on about if it is worth repairing.

Gunnar should get couple of quotes for repair first and then decide.

Btw, I had my suv total once in an extremely cold sleet condition in early morning hours like 4:00 while driving more than 10 below stated speed limit. I should not have taken it for drive on that day at that time.


Could share our storys of how we all got into music…


Oh, good idea! I’ll be typing… :joy:


So I loved music since I was a little guy. As a two-year-old, I was obsessed with The Wiggles :joy: As I got a little older, about 5 or 6 I thought guitars were just the coolest thing ever. I had never touched one, or even been near one and they were just the coolest thing in existence to me for some reason. I remember going into an antique store when I was about 9 and there was a guitar sitting there. I wanted to strum it soooo bad. So anyway, I always loved music. It 2014 when I was 11 I got my first guitar and started taking lessons. I wasn’t into bluegrass at that point, and knew practically nothing about it. I got more into rock, because I wanted to play something fancy and difficult. I’ve always been that way :joy::joy: As I got a little older, about 13, I started liking acoustic guitar more, and I learned a lot of hymns and played some at church. Fast forward to December of 2017, when I was 14. I heard Foggy Mountain Breakdown. That night, my mind got taken over by banjos :joy: I was thinking about banjo constantly and banjo music was always playing in my head. I saved up some money by building a fence and bought my first banjo, a cheap Rogue b50. Yeah, when I was 14 I didn’t even have $150 :joy::wink: I got the book Bluegrass Banjo for Dummies by Bill Evans and learned how to play from that. In the summer of 2019 I started using YouTube and found Jim Pankey, Eli Gilbert, and Banjo Ben of course. The rest is history… Hope you enjoyed my novel, guys


In 2016, I was given a cheap plastic harmonica. Eventually, I decided to learn to play it–and I did. After an upgrade of my harmonica and after buying a few extras, I decided to try for this style:

and so I got a cheap guitar. The past few years have been “pick up the guitar for a while, put it down for a long time, pick it up again, repeat,” but I’m hoping to eventually get decent at it.


I took music lessons as a young kid but didn’t have any idea what was going on :joy: I didn’t have any desire to practice really, so those attempts at learning instruments bombed…

Then in the spring of 2016, my life changed forever. I was exposed to acoustic bluegrass for the first time. A guy named Travis Alltop came to our church to preach, and brought his ‘40 D-18 with him, sang hymns and played a few Tony Rice licks :wink: I was captivated! Bluegrass is really catchy with simple chords, so the music stuck in me far more than before, and I didn’t really know it, but I was basically learning before I even got a guitar in January of 2017. We got all of Travis’ albums and some Rochesters albums, etc. I would memorize the lyrics to every song that struck my fancy. I was obsessed with music.

So I got a guitar, learned the chords off a chord sheet, and tried to figure out stuff by ear. I could play the chords to most hymns and stuff. By November of '17, I had been listening to bluegrass more and I specifically remember the moment I wanted to play banjo. I was listening to the first cut on Andy Leftwich’s Instrumental Hymns album. Jim Britton was playing Scruggs-style banjo and I noted how the banjo was the instrument creating the drive in the song. I especially liked when he played that Scruggs repeated 3-2 pull off square roll lick. So I expressed interest in learning the banjo, and my parents were asking around about places in FL to get a banjo. Gold Tone was recommended to us, and we drove down to Titusville to their little warehouse/workshop/whatever it is. So we bought my first banjo, a Gold Tone CC-50RP and the CEO of Gold Tone gave me my first banjo lesson. I had no idea who he was :joy:

I started lessons with a guy at our church and also signed up for Ben’s lessons. By 2019, I was wanting to play mandolin, and was dropping hints and stuff of course. I hadn’t even posted on the forum yet, but I had been reading it a lot, and had read about the upcoming Cabin Camp (the first one). My parents heard about it too, and mentioned it, but of course all the spots were filled. So then a few weeks later, two mandolin students canceled.

Keep in mind, I didn’t OWN a mandolin.

So I went and told my parents, and I was like “I can get to ‘advanced beginner’ skill level by March!” And we called Jake and bought the spot, and then about 2 weeks bought the mandolin :joy: And then I went to camp and LOVED it of course.

So yeah, that’s the fun story of how I learned all the instruments, hope you enjoyed reading.


Ever since I was really little I desperately wanted a banjo even though I didn’t even really know what it was. I was given a banjo for my 10th birthday (I still remember the day it came how disappointed I was to learn you used fingerpicks and not a flat pick!) I thought you just strummed it like a guitar. I messed with it for a few weeks but it just sat under the bed for years. Around 2015 we went on vacation to the Asheville NC area and we heard bluegrass for the first time through the gift shop speakers. We bought Sunday Morning Bluegrass by Mike Scott and listened to it non stop. Not long after that we found out about artistworks and that’s really how I started learning. I did the course with Tony Trischka for a long time and that got me really excited about learning. In 2019 I started taking lessons with Jake on banjo and a few months later I started taking guitar with Jake as well.


No, unfortunately I didn’t make. I am surprised I get good enough signal in this coffin to still post here.
Also, I know y’all are all conservative, but now that I’m dead I think I’ll start voting democrat…

I don’t know, I can’t contact his insurance company till I get the info from the police report on Monday, so I’ve got at least the weekend carless (rode my motorcycle to work this morning, very cold)

