Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

In no particular order, and subject to change every minute on the minute

  1. AKUS So Long So Wrong
  2. Tony Rice Native American
  3. Bronwyn Keith-Hynes Fiddler’s Pastime
  4. The Lindsey Family Crosses and Stones
  5. Del McCoury Sings Bluegrass

Kenny Smith
Abby Lindsey
Jake Workman
Zeb Snyder
David Grier

Sam Bush
Adam Steffey
Caleb Lindsey
Johanna Buggay
Eva Holbrook

Ron Block
Russ Carson
Ron Block
Lincoln Hensley
Johnny Meyer
Ron Block
(and Earl is a given, so he doesn’t have to be mentioned even)

Jason Carter
Kenny Baker
John-Mark Sowell
Samantha Snyder
Mary Parker

Justin Moses
Rob Ickes
Gaven Largent
Uncle Josh
Jerry Douglas

Honorable mentions
Maddie Denton - Fiddle
Justin Branum - Fiddle
Jenee Fleenor - Fiddle
Mo Pitney - Guitar
Brenna Macmillan - Banjo
Lillyanne McCool - Banjo
Turner Atwell - Guitar
Judah Buggay - Guitar
Gordon Parker - Mandolin
Jed Clark - Guitar
Nick Dumas - Mandolin

All honorable mentions are people that I have met or know personally


Um, am I the only one who even mentioned Tony Rice as a favorite guitarist?


Oops remove Grier and put Tony.
He’s another so obvious that he’s easy to forget.

Oh and Jake Stogdill is at least an honorable mention if not actually making the list


Sam Bush
Ricky Skaggs and everyone in Kentucky Thunder
The Travelin’ McCourys
Sam Bush
Del McCoury
Michael Cleveland
San Bush

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Man it’s not safe to go to bed for the night around here forum blows up. It would seem that @Michael_Mark proved just how much of a city dude he really is by crossing Duramax and Power Stroke or Ford with GM. Also Michael there’s nothing wrong with being an only child. You just have to get used to the strange looks you get sometimes when folks find out especially in the country. Ask me how I know…


I haven’t gotten that at all… My server is about bluegrass, nothing gaming about it. All the other servers I’ve ever been on aren’t about gaming either.


For a reason! :rofl:



Haaaang on, let me just take a wild guess at y’alls favorite musicians…

  1. Jake Workman
  2. Jake Workman
  3. Jake Workman
  4. Jake Workman
  5. That Sutton guy is cool too, I guess.

Great! It’s just that it is widely used by gamers and IMO the app shows it.

  1. Jake workman on the guitar
  2. Jake workman on the banjo
  3. Jake workman on the mandolin
  4. Jake workman as a teacher
  5. Jake workman as the new and better Tony Rice with better tone :blush:

Ahem moderators, can we ban this guy from the forum please? Thanks.


I agree, I like Jake Workman a lot. I don’t get what’s so awesome about Tony Rice other than the fact that he was a pioneer of bluegrass guitar


Honestly though

Jake Workman
Noam Pikelny
Scott Vestal
Wes Corbett
Zen Snyder


Yes dude, Noam Pikelny :sunglasses:


If you don’t get what’s so awesome about Tony Rice, you probably haven’t learned, listened, analyzed, and watched enough of him. :joy: That’s the only way to explain it. His tone and taste are still unmatched anywhere in the bluegrass world. In my opinion, the only other flatpicking guitarist whom you could legitimately argue is better would be Django Reinhardt.

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I agree Tony Rice was amazing but he never could’ve played anything like this:


I doubt Tony could play that fast (at least he never did in public), but I also doubt he ever NEEDED to play that fast :joy:

It’s kinda like determining the best tenor singer. They’ve got to be able to sing high, but is the best tenor singer always the one who can sing the highest? Or is it the one with the best tone and most touching sound? Likewise, a bluegrass guitarist has to be able to play fast, but that doesn’t mean that one is “better” than another because they can play faster. And I’ll tell you that playing with as good a sound as Tony did in that video is waaay harder than playing as fast and clean as Jake. If you worked at playing fast for long enough and had the right technique you could play just as fast as he does. It’s technical. At that speed, no one cares about the minute tonal characteristics of each note. They’re not held out long enough to matter. What a shredder does can be reproduced.

What Tony did can never be reproduced.

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How nice. Timothy on my side


Then quit trying and play like Jake