Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

Soooo how are you gonna decide what style that is buddy and are you going to box it in to only one style aka rock?

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Listen to that series i posted and you’ll have a very good idea where to draw that line.

Not only one style. The lyrics in plenty of other styles like we’ve been talking about.

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Don’t argue with the fine points here, guys. Don’t twist every word someone said into a side fight. Shaky has a point and you know he does, Michael. Music has a message and I want the music I play and enjoy to be a good message. Nuff said.


I’m not trying to run off course here, but I think it’s a good example. When I was about 11 I loved this Christian rock band called Skillet. My parents ended up having a problem with it because their songs were super dark. They weren’t glorifying bad things, they were condemning it. But the great majority of their songs were really dark and about how evil the world is. My parents ended up making me stop listening to them. Back then I didn’t get it but now I do. I feel like this is kind of the same thing, just because you condemn something doesn’t mean it’s okay to put a ton of focus on it.



I’ve listened to stuff like that before. Eg David Cloud. It’s very very arbitrary.

I finally came to my conclusion about musical styles after reading a book by my pastor wrote, if you’d like that I’ll pm you the link to where you can buy it. It took me a long, long time to come to grips with the fact that electric guitars aren’t evil. :joy:

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I’m not saying ONLY ROCK MUSIC IS BAD AND THE REST ARE GOOD, I know the majority of pop and even country does not glorify God. I just pick out Rock cause if you’ll research music, you’ll find almost every popular genre roots from Rock.


I wouldn’t by any means say electric guitars are evil. I’ve played them myself and quite enjoyed it. The thing is, it all depends on the way you’re playing it.



That also poses the question: where do you draw the line about where too fine of a point to argue about is?
Of course, you will not answer this question, because you have decided in your mind that it’s too fine of a point everybody should just listen to Libby the whole world will be fine. :joy::joy:

Ya go ahead, but only if you’ll commit to watching the whole series i posted.

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My overarching message that I’d like you guys to take home is that you need to understand what subjectiveness is. :joy:

Nope, don’t believe in unbiblical fad science

Just because this is Banjo Ben’s forum and we should respect the other members. That’s why I think we should keep everything civil and controlled - and also because you are spinning what Shaky is saying in a completely over-generalized way, which clearly isn’t his intention.


Did you watch any of it?

I clicked into it. Please tell me if this is correct:

Rock instrumentation is sinful/evil/otherwise bad because of effects it has on the brain.

“challenging fine points of an argument” is not the same as “spinning what Shaky is saying in a completely over-generalized way.”

CAuse if you didn’t then don’t go calling it something it isn’t. This man has spent YEARS researching music and has a deep relationship with Christ.

Let us close with a song shall we.

That’s a little part of it. There’s a whole huge picture that becomes very clear in episodes 3,4, and 5. Those ones are also by far the most facinating :laughing:

lol :rofl::joy: