Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

Wait, you believe in the moon???


Wait, you believe in belief??


It’s still not what the light is like at the equinox’s.

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You might have to explain more about the equinoxes. Anyway, goodnight everyone!


Psalm 139:11
… even the night shall be light about me.


Good night, I mean good time of day when the mini sun disappears over the non existent horizon of the flat earth :joy: :wink:


That’s more like it.


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Ok the earth is flat obviously because globalism is evil


Those aren’t mutually exclusive except for the sun being “god”
Also, Heaven and hell are spiritual locations, not physical ones. They exist outside of space and time in this universe.
Also, how do you figure the rich man was able to see Abraham and Lazarus? Is the earth transparent as well as flat? Because they had a full blown conversation while looking at each other.

Heliocentrism and extraterrestrial colonization are in no way so linked as to treat them as an equal entity. And to suggest that heliocentrisms only logical conclusion is nihilism is a blind leap of faith of proportions unheard of in all circles except those who believe that nonlife created life.

Except that the big bang universe model most closely matches what we are able to observe, and that actually the idea of a big bang universe genesis causes far more insurmountable problems to an evolutionary ideology than the meager benefits it seems to hold, while it would confirm a literal reading of Genesis 1
And again, contemplating the vastness of the universe in no way logically leads to the nihilistic conclusion that you have so athletically arrived at with bounds that would incite the deer to envy.

I didn’t realize it would start anything, it was just a passing comment to make people laugh, or scratch their heads, or roll their eyes. I didn’t think anyone actually believed it, although, it kinda makes sense, considering how many of y’all are KJV only cultists.

Last weeks conspiracy theory is this weeks front page news is next weeks coverup/revisionist history.

Umm, actually I’ve been flying my whole life, and they do. It’s the difference between airspeed and groundspeed. This actually accounts for two different axes, the first is the ground moving beneath you, and the second is the further distance travelled because at altitude your tracking a much larger circle.

I’m sorry this is a spherical term that you are not allowed to use. An “equator” is the central point between two opposing ends of an object, not a line around a disk at an arbitrary point.
You don’t see me saying “the edge of the earth” so you aren’t allowed to say equator.


Dang Shaky is still typing???


Ok I don’t believe that yet, but I do believe that the government has lied to us a lot.

Me either, not at all. Watch JP Spears video on it, it should remove your doubts.

Well COVID was supposedly science based, it removed any confidence in modern science that I ever had.

Aren’t you shocked?? Me too!!

This may ne a very elementary argument that you would laugh at, but why has no one fallen off the edge??

Really?? what’s your argument about that one? Not that I really don’t believe you, but your the first flat earther I’ve ever talked with, besides my coworker. Who is very easy to back into a corner as soon as we start debating.

That I believe, the depth of deception that the big folks in this world are up to is absolutely sickening.

Thats a lot of stuff I’ve never heard of, very fascinating.

True, actually true. Just another government scam. Kinda the same idea that goes along with JFK not have been sniped out. Anyone else know that? He wasn’t killed by a sniper, rather government agents controlled by the CIA. Who at that time was under the Leadership of…Wait for it… George W Bush

That is so true, you literally cannot find ANTIVAX videos on Youtube. Why hide it if it’s a lie?

Really?? What proof is there that it went that high? The TV footage of Man landing on the moon was created in a Hollywood studio, and it fooled the world. This world believes anything the government throws out there. It’s literally disgusting and sickening. So many concepts that we just accept and never question but are so wrong.

That was plain awesome!! That man is one man who loves free speach, hates Biden and Trudeau, and is anti vax. His whole reason for buying twitter was to have a platform that supported free speech.

I’d love to hear your thoughts if you want to pm them to me.

Ya man your doing way better!!

It’s a trick she learned from a podcast about Tony Rice. Jake Workman really discourages it but she loves it since it works.

Very good point.

Not exactly that, but since this world is run by globalists this is really a very easy thing for them to convince the world wrong beliefs. They have done it over and over. Here is a very small list.

J.F.K was killed by an assassin from a hotel window
Twin Towers were taken down from a random terrorist attack
Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese
Man went to the Moon
Biden got more votes than Trump
Covid was a super deadly virus killing thousands and overflowing hospitals
Masks and covid vaccines actually work

Yessir I had 214 messages to go through.

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Hey Libby’s not here anymore… in other words…

“Now she’s gone and we don’t worry, cause we’re hovering in the dome above the flat earth”


Michael, keep in mind I like Jake a lot better than Tony. BOOM!!!


Shaky, keep in mind that you’re Canadian and I never asked for your opinion, eh? BOOM, eh?


You SUCKER!!! isn’t that what you call racist? Whats wrong with Canada anyway? Except that our gun laws suck. But you city boy wouldn’t give a rip about that anyway.


I am neither Heliocentric nor Geocentric.
While the sun (Helos) is in the energetic and geometric center (roughly) of our solar system, neither are the center of the universe, nor even of our galaxy.
While God did create earth specially and make it peculiar in it’s ability to host life, he did not apparently deem fit to do so by making everything revolve around us, probably because for the earth to have enough mass to support that much orbital material, it would have to way almost infinitely more than a black hole, and we’d all be smushed.

I am either an Acentrist (the universe is such an abstract shape that it has no center) or a Theocentrist, and possibly both at once.

Wait, I’ve never heard about this conspiracy theory, what’s it about?


In Luke 16, Abraham actually said that there was “a great gulf fixed” between them. I think there’s actually biblical evidence for Paradise being in the center of the earth, and Hell around it, but Jesus led captivity captive and Paradise is now in the third heaven. Or at least, I think that’s what I believe, I can’t remember the whole thing

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Fight! Fight! Fight!

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