Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

It was actually planned by America since they needed an excuse to go into war against Japan and Germany.

Besides standing against the already evil Axis powers?


What you mean?? Before Pearl Harbor was bombed America was neutral.

That’s my point…


Also, the KJV isn’t the only inspired word of God, nor is it even a perfect rendering of it, so basing all of these theories on a postmodern english translation of a Middle/modern english translation of a hebrew and greek text is foolhardy without actually consulting the original languages and cultures these were written in to actually understand the context

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Gunnar: Punches Michael
Michael: hits back
Shaky: If I punched Gunnar who instigated this it would look bad so Imma punch myself first

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Yeah, that sounds right.
Never mind all the passenger and private boats being bombed

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What the Del McCoury does that mean??

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I believe the KJV is the perfect word of God for the English speaking language, specifically because it accurately represents the Ben Chayyim Old Testament text and the Textus Receptus New Testament text. I wrote an entire thingy in Mason’s Discord a while back


And they didn’t want to be neutral and so they needed an excuse to go to war.


As if the government cared. They don’t care about the people, just control. You should know that by now. Trump is probably the only president in recent history besides J.F.K and Reagen who really cared about the people.

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I’m in a groupchat with the Ellis’ so I know all about the KJV cult

I know. Every war we’ve been in since WWII has been a stupid publicity/moneylaundering stunt, and every single country we’ve been in has ended up being totally screwed in the aftermath of our departure. Not least of which being Mozambique, where the US had supported one side of the civil war until it became unpopular and then left the north hanging out to dry like a pair of pantyhose in a tornado. Needless to say, … and that’s why Mozambique is communist now.
That’s the real reason why I would never willingly join the military.


Also, since I’m about to go to bed and it’ll be about 20 hours before I get on again, I’ll voice one more unpopular opinion.

Ukraine isn’t what you think it is, the government over there is evil and corrupt, and what Russia is actually doing, if successful, will expose a heck tonne of American and international political corruption.
Ukraine is one of the world hubs for human trafficking, as well as the center for probably about 80% of US politician money laundering operations.
I was going to add more, but I’m gonna try not to get flagged…


You guys have made this way too political. I can tell you of a fact Ben wouldn’t appreciate this at all. I think I’ll private message you guys my replies to your arguments and it’s best to steer away from these hot topics or you’ll get the thread closed.

Briefly - Shaky, you’re right about every one of those “conspiracy theories.”

Michael, Gunnar, I have lots of answers for you about your flat earth arguments. I’ve heard them all. I’ll PM you. And by the way the KJV is flawless - there IS a perfect Bible because God promised to preserve His Word and He didn’t lie. “The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭12:6-7‬

You can name me specific “flaws” in the KJV and I can debate that too. I’ve studied that tons. But again I feel it’s best for us to do this privately. We can start a private thread if some of you are truly interested; I just know that most people on this forum are here for music and I want us to respect that. :slight_smile:


I was kinda trying to figure that one out too.

Whoa, this is terrible! They forgot to get the one guy out before they launched.:open_mouth: Poor guy. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


What proof is there that it didn’t go that high?

Doesn’t the Bible say something about respecting your government?

Well said.




@Michael_Mark, @Fiddle_wood, @Dragonslayer: I’m amazed! Y’all carried the torch while I was away! I salute your bravery!

@oaklymaple, while I’m still heliocentric, I think your round Earth geocentrism is a but more plausible than flat earth.

By the way, @Flatpickin_Libby still hasn’t told me what keeps me on a flat earth if gravity doesn’t exist. I’m all ears!

Respecting yes, but not that you have to love everything they do. And Elon Musk also isn’t a Christian.


Enough guys - check your private messages.

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We’re going to continue this conversation elsewhere. If you want to be part of it and I didn’t include you, please let me know and I will. :+1:


Bro that guy sorta looks like Earl!!!

Illuminati confirmed