Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

Exactly I’ve been on a mountian staring out at montana praire as far as the eye can see with a 600mm telephoto lens, and guess what I can only see so far.

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Where did you get that the distance between sun and earth is too large to hide the sun at any point? In that theory right there is the flaw. The sun is small and very close to the earth. How close we don’t know - God hasn’t allowed man to reach the firmament. When they tried (Genesis 11) He stopped them because they were actually GOING to get there. It wasn’t out of their reach. “And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.” From my studies, some have estimated about 60-70 miles to the top of the firmament and that’s all, but again we don’t know for sure. Anyway, the sun has to be WITHIN that firmament. So it’s very close. When it’s farthest south making it’s outermost circuit around the South “pole”, it’s completely invisible in the north, making complete weeks of darkness in the north.

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Ok, so is your point that there is a dark side of the sun?

Well. Who said the moon is further away to our eye than a mountain across the ocean?

Sure. When I was younger.

Because if you can see anything on the horizon, at any distance, then the sun would always be visible to every part of the world, prohibiting a) a dark side of the sun, b) the sun exiting the dome and going under the earth, or c) a large obstruction blocking out light from the tiny sun.

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Did you happen to look out the window of said plane?

How does this prove the earth dips? It proves that our eyes are faulty camera lenses. I can’t smell something ten miles away either :joy:

Mathematically, the earth should curve 8 inches per mile. And based on that, there are certain things that have been proven to be seen that you should NOT see. I can provide specific proofs from a book I’ve got if you want.

Then how is it flat.

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Do you also realize that light reflects and refracts in certain ways that allow one to see a suspended “mirage” of an object after it disappears over the horizon?

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Dark side of the sun, huh? I’m saying it only lights up a small area. A little flashlight over a big plate. The moon is traveling opposite from it. Sometimes their paths cross… solar eclipses.

It’s flat because I can see further then I should be able to. There are things my eye (and a camera) can view that should be well under the curved horizon on a globe.

I have no problem with small sun and short distance between the sun and earth theory. I’m like a journalist, I only shoot questions. So small sun is quite enough to lighten the large plate earth?? What size the sun roughly and what is the distance between sun and earth?

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Exiting the dome and going under the earth?!!! Wait WHAT. Where did you get that? It’s moving like a hand on a clock!

I’m saying that if you believe the sun is a ball, and gives off light in every direction, you should be able to see said very bright sun in every location on the flat earth because nothing actually disappears over the horizon if the earth is flat.

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The ancient greeks were able to calculate an distance to the sun using basic trig in the 3rd century BC.

Correct but some of these proofs are not mirages.

I don’t remember looking out the plane window; I was little. But did you know all modern pilots train on flat earth simulators? And that flying planes never account extra or detracted time for the earth spinning under them as they fly?

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Your sun violates biblical principle! Sabbatical violation! Because your sun is restless when moves like a hand on a clock! But the biblical sun hides under tabernacle in the evening and takes rest and ready to run the race the next day!

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My point is that that would be one of the explanations for a sunset in the bizarro world of the flat earth.

I don’t know how big the sun is and how far it is. God hasn’t allowed man to figure that out. That’s why these precise mathematical figures of billions of lightyears and miles are so laughable. Billions of years of evolution comes to mind. The same exact idea.

What I do know, by solid logic and observation, is that the sun isn’t big enough to light up the entire earth because God designed it to divide day and night and be used as a timepiece.