Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

That’s not conspiracy theory, that’s a legitimate question seeking truth. I’ll lay bare what the conspiracy theories are! :slight_smile:

There is a fact or truth.
There is falsehood or fiction.
So, two sides here.

The falsehood or fiction cannot stand truth. So how do you make the falsehood look like truth?

The people on falsehood side float numerous theories with variations of truth, which is not truth, and make a strawman argument out of it to refute it to give an appearance of victory for falsehood. In this propaganda, they also count on the sheer volume of their theories to bury the truth. Thus, legitimate questions are evaded and truth suppressed.

Truth side asks legitimate question.
Falsehood side propagates conspiracy theory.
Not the other way! :slight_smile:

Say there is 50% truth side and 50% falsehood side.
When such conspiracy theories, only to be later refuted, attack falsehood, it will pull in some believers from the truth side. Like enemy of enemy is a friend style followers. Say 60% of truth side fell far the conspiracy theories, and when refuted, they have no option but to accept their defeat. Thus truth side is weakened and is now reduced to 20% (50% - 60% of 50%). The 80% support is good enough for the falsehood side to carry on with their agenda.

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Nowadays, disagreeing with what the government and media tell you is considered a conspiracy theory. And lots of them are probably true.

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I disagree with the government. They do/try things to fix. Media, I understand.



Hey Libby, I think you need one of these!

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I sure do!! I’ve seen those! Then I can quit wearing my Toe Knee Rice one too!


Not just the discussion… even the game is over! :wink: :wink: Can’t you guys see??

:joy: You realize it’s satire mocking the flat earth movement right…

I’d love to discuss it further but out of respect for Banjo Ben’s website and the many different students who come on here, I think we should return to musical and noncontroversial discussions.

Can’t believe, how soon you forgot Jake and Tony! :wink:

Oh that one’s fun. And it’s musical too.


I guess as long as stuff is related to music, it’s fine?

Hey, I just related the flat earth to music! Thanks Marcel!

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For you, no… :wink: for others, yes.

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Geocentrism .pdf (971.6 KB)


Hey, lots of other people argue too. I’ve just had the unpopular opinion a couple times in the past so it’s more bothersome :joy:

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I did not intend to mean it that way. I meant your video, in a lighter vein!

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Wow you guys study or read a lot!

@oaklymaple so the whole geocentric vs. heliocentric thing is really just more a matter of semantics and language than actual physics? If I’m understanding your statements right.

Very well written! I really enjoyed that.

I was going to stop, but you spurred me on just a little further with this statement - “This indicates that it was night in one part of the world and day in another, thus proving that the earth must be round.” I believe the earth is round and flat, which is a circle like Isaiah says; and the sun and moon rotate above them as lights that are opposite from each other. Imagine holding a very small, thin flashlight above a huge flat plate and moving it around in a circle. The pool of light doesn’t cover the whole plate, just half of it; and the other half is dark. Remember that the light source is very small and close. (There could never be visible rays of sunlight hitting the earth at such unique angles and making shadows and bright sun spots, if the sun was so far away and enormous.)

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