Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

I didn’t know if you cared about really knowing, enough to possibly change. Michael said he didn’t.

That’s great - it’s a fun discussion with people who really want to think about it. :slight_smile:

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No, post them all here

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Creationist vs Evolutionist
“Christians” vs Atheist
Flat earth vs Round earth
Young earth vs Old earth
Capitalism vs Socialism
etc. etc.

All these people and their arguments are nothing to do with God. These are all WWEs created simply to satisfy their Greed!

When true gospel comes, they will all run away!

Any objections?? :wink:

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Libby: The REAL science proves the earth is flat
Also Libby: I don’t believe in gravity

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I don’t call the real science whatever has a more complicated (yet abstract) name. The real science is observable, testable, and repeatable facts that agree with the Bible.


Just because they aren’t salvation issues doesn’t mean they don’t matter.

They don’t matter at all. :slight_smile: To explain how, I think you guys need to petition Ben to open up a Bible Discussion forum! Then I can pitch in. Or else people would complain and the thread would face the same fate as the like of previous spiral thread.

You can easily shut those people you think are against Christianity. Believe me, they won’t even come for argument. Let say there is a giant like man and the tiny little man. Do you think the tiny little man would go for a direct fight with the giant. The fact that they are fighting Christianity means it is fake Christianity that they fancy their chances!

P.S.: Just for you to think about…
Luke 10:41,42
41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:
42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

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These things do matter. But yeah, this is a bluegrass forum and I’m fine with tabling this. It would be interesting to talk about in person if any of us met.

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No, I do know. The earth is round, end of argument. I’m just hoping that you will come around.

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If you think gravity is not testable, then I have an amazing theme park to sell you–one where you can float around.

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Yep, we can do that sometime, like over zoom or something. I know @Michael_Mark would be interested knowing we both used to discuss a lot before.

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My point exactly, that’s why I’ve avoided the spiral threads for the most part.:joy::joy: No offense


This is the Spiral Thread, where completely off topic conversations are welcome and encouraged. Plus, if I ever met you I’d rather not argue the whole time. I would rather try out your Blue Chip and let you tell me stories about Jake Workman :joy:


I almost always avoid the spiraling topics here. It just so happens that this is an issue I am pretty excited and passionate about, having had my eyes opened and done so much study and research about it over many years. So if you say the words “flat earth” you’re really tempting me, haha. Especially cause this is never talked about!


That’s understandable. And that’s why I hang out here a lot, it’s usually about topics I’m passionate about. :joy: I’m trying to be more open minded now though haha.


None taken!

And you’re also tempting me, because I have a low tolerance for any sort of conspiracy theory.

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Ok - before sparks fly let’s say discussion over. :+1: I am convinced and love sharing it with others, but this is a good place to stop.


Well people are notoriously known for being big liars, so sometimes you can’t just believe what you’re told, and that’s when you get a “conspiracy theory”. It’s a pretty dumb decision to just believe what you’re told without questioning it because you can’t stand “conspiracy theories”. And that’s all I’ll say :joy:


And in an effort to start a discussion about bluegrass, how do you guys approach improvisation? That’s something I’ve been working on. Do you have a lot of licks in your memory, do you just create stuff on the fly?