Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

I get different results, when I search for things like… well, I don’t want to take this too far on Ben’s forum. But, controversial topics related to current “diseases” and “cures”, let’s just say that.


I’ll just say that I agree with @Flatpickin_Libby here. And then I’ll leave, because I tend to stay at arguments for way too long.


Isaiah 40:22 (KJV) [It is] he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof [are] as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

The only shape that can have a circle at any point is a sphere. Although I do believe in a geocentric system. I’m out right now so when I get back I have a paper completely explaining my beliefs and backing for them.


So you’re geocentric, but not flat-earth?

Well, at least you’re not as mistaken as some people :upside_down_face:


Isaiah 22:18, just a few chapters before - “He will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball
into a large country:”

God knew how to use the word “ball” if He wanted to. But He said circle. Just like over 700 times the Bible says “face of the earth”. He said face (flat), not surface.

I used to be geocentric but not flat-earth. That was the first step in me changing my mind, was realizing the earth is the center of God’s creation. But then I realized there are far too many proofs to believe in a globe earth anymore.

For those who want to read but not watch videos, I have a PDF article I’m happy to send you. Please just message me your email.

Did you know that DuckDuckGo actually uses Bing as one of its backends? DDG doesn’t have the resources to run their own web crawler (I assume), so they just aggregate results from other search providers. Also, DDG can and does moderate content:

I appreciate it, I think you’ll appreciate my paper. It’s a complicated issue. There’s a lot to consider. It’s not just science bad.

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On the other hand, there are far too many proofs to believe in flat-earth.

Yet another poser: how do you explain gravity?

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I don’t think Duck Duck Go is perfect but it sometimes gets me more results than Google. Whatever platform I use, I hit walls. The truth isn’t out in the open for anybody to grab these days.

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You don’t.

Gravity is only needed to explain a spherical earth. If the earth is flat, you don’t need gravity. Things fall because of their weight. Do I need some fancy, abstract word to explain why a rock goes down instead of up? Not at all.

Common sense thinking of what’s natural and logical actually gets us closer to reality than all these strange, backwards theories.

I don’t believe in gravity - it isn’t needed, it does nothing, and it’s just a big fluffy word meaning nothing. :slight_smile:


Um… there has to be some sort of force that make heavy objects fall. In science, things don’t happen for no reason. If there is no gravity at all, then I could place my chair in the air and leave it there.

Hey! That rhymed!

OK, explain it without using the word “gravity.”

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I’ll call it weight. What about the word “gravity” makes more sense than the word “weight”? Do I need to name the theory and word it really fancy?


What would be the theory and word that could make a chair float? You’d have to have one, you know.

Gravity is the force that draws things together. Weight is the measurement of how much gravity is pulling on an object.

It’s not so much “what is the theory” as it is “lack of a theory”. If you don’t have some sort of force pulling smaller objects (like us) towards bigger objects (the earth), then objects will follow Newton’s first law of motion and stay where they are until another force acts upon them.


I’ve ranted enough for now. I’ll come back to this at a later date. (Unless I stay for a little longer…)

The bottom line is, probably neither side will convince the other. Both sides are firmly entrenched and believe that the other is wrong, so arguing is probably futile.

But, a parting shot: from the differences in @oaklymaple’s and @Flatpickin_Libby’s viewpoints, I have to realize that the geocentrists have something else against them: they can’t even agree on how the universe is set up.


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Sometimes we have to stop and realize how much we sound like an evolutionist telling a creationist their views make no sense because of the lack of scientific terms. Or an atheist saying you can’t prove God because they have so many mathematical theories that disprove His existence. Christians in general are so quick to defend their faith and that God created the earth, but here they draw the line and say “this is too crazy.” It’s because we’ve been indoctrinated since our earliest infancy by having the imagine of the globe seared on our minds. I have books I can recommend, videos you all should watch, and enough arguments to carry on this conversation indefinitely. But I don’t need to. I do encourage you to pray about it and ask God to show you the truth about the earth’s shape, if you care.


Then I’m not just a geocentrist. I believe in more than that; that’s just one little piece of the puzzle.

By the way @Michael_Mark the arguments in your 2-minute video were easy to dispute; I started writing answers out but then wasn’t sure I wanted to post it all here. Maybe I’ll message you sometime. I don’t know if any of you are really serious about studying this, so no need to drag it on for too long.

Why do you think I’ve been arguing with you?