Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

This is mere speculation. There is no real proof that the pictures from after Challenger are of the same people. Again, what are the chances that the flat-earthers, realizing that they are the ones standing on shaky ground, are desperately trying to create so-called “proof?”

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  1. Did you read the article about the Challenger people?
  2. Did you watch the Neil Armstrong clip?
  3. Will you watch these two links with an open mind sometime when you have a little time? If you’re right, then it doesn’t hurt to be challenged, right? Makes you stronger in what you think you know.

That is pure, unadulterated nonsense. You obviously don’t understand the internet. If I wanted to, I could start my own website on my own servers on my own property stating my own beliefs, and nobody could stop me. Sure, somebody might try to deny me internet access, but what is that to me? The internet has billions of access points.


I’m not talking about the whole internet, that may have come across wrong. But the news websites are controlled by one source. The information we’re fed is only what we’re allowed to be fed.

YouTube, Google those kind of websites are controlled by those who don’t want us to be free thinkers. I’m thankful for tools like DuckDuckGo and BitChute and Vimeo that helps when you’re trying to dig deep against the mainstream.

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  1. Yes.
  2. No. I rarely spend time on YouTube and the like. I much prefer having things that I can read. (EDIT: I do use YouTube somewhat frequently, but that is only for rocket launches and rocket developement. Outside of that, I barely use YouTube.)
  3. Doubtful. See #2 for reason why. I’m open to reading articles, though.
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That source being…?

Well, what controls NASA? What controls all the world’s governments? It’s the coming kingdom of the antichrist pulling all the little people into delusion. As a Bible believing Christian I can say ultimately the devil. “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” 2 Cor 4:2

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Too bad because there’s a lot of good stuff in those videos. But I have a great PDF I will email you!

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So you don’t think YouTube and Google ban and blacklist videos that are against the world’s agenda? Just try researching a topic like the flat earth. You won’t believe how many blank links and removed videos you’ll hit.

I still don’t believe that Google is manipulated in that way. Anyway, people should switch to DDG anyway for privacy reasons.

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A quick search shows that both Bing and Google have plenty of hits on the first page.

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@Dragonslayer why did you start this? :joy:

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I absolutely can’t believe there’s a lengthy debate going on and I’m not in the middle of it.


Well the list of things Google has blacklisted is unreal. You can see how search results will differ between Google and DDG. If you don’t think they’re hiding truth from us, the first step is realizing that.

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Bing is right in with them. Banning truth everywhere.

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@Flatpickin_Libby If we lived in the same area, I would say we should do this as a fair experiment:

Get a weather balloon

In January 2017, University of Leicester students strapped some cameras to a weather balloon and sent it skyward. The balloon rose 77,429 feet (23.6 kilometers) above the surface, well above the level needed to view the planet’s curves. The instrument aboard the balloon sent back stunning footage that shows the curve of the horizon.

As long as your balloon has a payload of less than four pounds, there are hardly any restrictions on launching it. Just call the Federal Aviation Administration ahead of time to make sure you’re not headed into restricted airspace.



Elon Musk isn’t very smart. He could have bought a full tank of gas but he bought Twitter instead.


Looks like similar content to me.

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Fish eye camera on the balloon. One of their go-to tactics.
Or perhaps some easy photo editing afterwards.

That’s why I wish we could do it together: both could verify that the other was not cheating.