Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

If he ever tried to climb the ice wall and explore the land of Antarctica you’d never hear from him again. Maybe he’d be bribed or threatened into silence like the Apollo “astronauts” or murdered by some kind of poisoning or accident like countless others.

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That reminds me: if NASA wanted to run a moon/space program to “deceive” the public, why did they kill the Apollo 1 crew and two shuttle crews, as well as almost kill the Apollo 13 crew? That’s not going to help gain public support for keeping the program going…

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NASA Board: All right boys, we’re gonna come up with a multi billion dollar scheme to discourage biblical Christianity. Suggestions?
NASA member 1: I’ve got it! Let’s use all of our influence and power to create fake evidence, and come up with something that disproves the resurrection of Jesus!
NASA member 2: mmm no, let’s make up some fake evidence proving a heliocentric universe.
NASA president: PERFECT! Much more destructive to the Christian belief system! Let’s roll with that.


I do believe Jupiter was created differently from earth. I believe the earth is the land we were given; Jupiter is a star to enhance our sky. Earth is man’s home; Jupiter is a little light above our home. Earth was created to be inhabited; Jupiter was not created to support man’s life. Earth is where Jesus walked; Jupiter is a dot in the sky above us. Earth is the very heart of God’s creation; Jupiter is just something placed in the sky to serve the earth; much like a cloud or a rainbow. It’s like comparing my floor to the air vent on the ceiling. No, they aren’t the same - in form, in purpose, or in design.


Great question @LorenDB! This is a big part of it actually! NASA had to put a stop to it once they accomplished their immediate goals with Apollo 11 and winning the Cold War. If this went too far, they couldn’t hide the hoax anymore and with every new mission people would get closer to discovering they weren’t really going to space. The “failed missions” were a warning sign. The message: This isn’t an experiment for the general public. Way too dangerous and complicated for you common people to think you can figure out. And a warning sign to all the people who were now in on the scheme: keep your mouth shut.

By the way, little end note. All the astronauts of the Challenger are still living. The blowup was planned and nobody was in it.


It ain’t a star; it’s a planet. Especially obvious when you zoom in:


Stars look like this:


Excuse the nebula in the background.

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The Bible calls planets wandering stars. Use whatever word you like, but they’re all some kind of stars and the earth is not a planet.

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They aren’t. I won’t even try to reason with that until you give me real, incontrovertible proof that they are living.

Another point I have: how do you explain capsule reentry? It’s been seen quite plainly by many people, and even captured on live camera:

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I totally believe in rockets (great use of our tax dollars huh?) and the fact that they go up and do amazing, complicated, expensive (gulp) things. But they only fly over the earth in low orbit and then come back down. They cannot pass through the firmament God created as our boundary. Besides, the Van Allen radiation belt would scorch them all.


And yet Elon Musk, Peter Beck, and others continue to prove that common people can actually go to space, and quite safely, too.

And yet they continued and still continue to shuttle people to space and the space station on the space shuttles, Russia’s Soyuz, and SpaceX’s Falcon 9.

Which reminds me… I’ve seen the ISS with my own two eyes. More proof that orbit exists.

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If the earth is flat, then you can’t orbit. You just said that rockets send payloads into orbit. Therefore, I am forced to conclude that your theory is flawed.


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All the names you listened as being ‘common’ people aren’t as common as you think. You have no idea what kind of bribes Elon Musk and Peter Beck and all these others have been given, what kind of trickeries they’re a part of. NASA wouldn’t hand over the reins of allowing ordinary men to discover these things if they aren’t on their side. I can’t even imagine what kind of pressure must have been put on people like Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to make them hide such a big lie so long. Neil Armstrong never gave any public interviews. He died and was cremated and had his ashes scattered in the ocean. One of the only times he appeared in public, he had an opportunity to say ANY inspiring words to Americans… I mean seriously, as a man who walked on the moon!!! Yet here’s what he said: “We leave you much that is undone. There are breakthroughs to be discovered, for those who can remove one of truth’s protective layers.” Is that not cryptic or what. Just skip to his speech in this clip, and tell yourself, “This guy walked on the moon.”

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Orbit means to travel in a circular motion. Over the earth. I believe the sky is round because the firmament is like a dome.

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I’m not sure what they told you was up there, but they have low satellites they can fool you with. Most of the ISS pictures/clips are underwater. You can see bubbles in plenty of them, and scuba diving gear reflected in the astronauts’ helmets as they “float in outer space.”


Like a dome, yes, over a spherical earth. The sky conforms to the shape of the earth.

And where, may I ask, do these satellites come from? You can’t just send up a satellite to hover over a flat earth. In order to maintain frequent sightings, you’ll need to launch several times a week–or several times a day. That doesn’t happen.

Show me one with bubbles. I’ve never seen one like that.

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Yet another thought: the flat-earthers make a big racket: “NASA just uses Photoshop/CGI to fool us! You can’t trust them!”

OK. Fine. But if I can’t trust NASA, then how can I trust the flat-earthers? For all I care, these “bubbles” in ISS pictures, the supposed clips of Apollo moonwalkers being threatened, and supposed recordings of NASA cueing astronauts when to speak during missions are also fake and fabricated. Honestly, that’s my stance. There are a lot of people who are much, much smarter than I am who honestly believe that the earth is round. Who am I to discredit them over a bunch of claims from a bunch of people on the internet?


Going back to this: Remember, Copernicus, the man who started the heliocentric theory, was a priest in the Catholic church. He had no ulterior motives for starting it. In fact, he hesitated to publish it for fear of public scorn:


I’ll put together a bunch of links and pictures to post when I have some more time. I don’t right now. In fact, maybe I should send you a PM because I don’t want us to step over the boundary on Ben’s forum here. :slight_smile: It might be good to stop discussing this although I have sooooo much more I could say, as a person who has studied this and every single opposing argument EXTENSIVELY!

I will say this: the firmament is hard and nonconforming, as proven in dozens of Scripture verses. And yes, there are low satellites. As for the pictures with bubbles I’ll find some, as I’ve seen them, but one thing makes this research hard: The Internet elitists (Google, YouTube, social media, etc. - it’s all controlled by one source you know) have blocked, banned, and removed sooo many pictures and videos containing truth. If this is not the truth, why hide it? Just about every video I try to click on that contains real facts about this stuff has been removed by YouTube. So it’s a really hard search to dig for the proofs, but they are there because I’ve found them. I’ll try to put more together for you soon.