Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!


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You know, that makes me think: how on earth (pun maybe not intended) do flat-earthers explain a lunar eclipse?

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Have you ever considered that heaven/hell do not have to be in the physical universe?

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They are certainly beyond the physical realm of earth, to which we’re bound, but they are tangible places that exist.


I have not yet heard conclusive proof that round heart heliocentrism automatically removes God from the picture.

^^ this

^^ also this

It’s any time, and also, heliocentrism doesn’t mean extraterrestrial life.

I never said I think Elon Musk should start a Mars colony. Regardless, I do think it would be cool to at least send an expedition there for a year or so.

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Eclipses happen when the sun, moon, and other heavenly bodies line up at certain ways in their curricular paths and create shadows and other lightings. They can be perfectly predicted because all the heavenly bodies are just moving hands on a clock. The heavens are one big orderly timepiece.


:penguin::penguin::penguin: Thank you!

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But then what gets between the sun and moon during lunar eclipses?

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Antarctica. Twelve countries signed the Antarctic treaty to militarily block any exploration of the “South Pole.” The ends of the firmament are not to be discovered so we don’t see the truth. Explorers sailing around the South Pole have found it to take many times longer than they expected. Because Antarctica is the circumference of the world and we are forbidden to go there. Planes flying in the south are required to turn off their signals and hide their flight paths so we don’t see the shortcuts they’re taking over the flat earth. There is not one bit of measurable curvature at any single spot on the earth. When you see something disappear over the horizon, zoom up with sharper binoculars and it’s still there. Landmarks and cities that you should not be able to see, based on the 8 inch per mile drop of the earth’s curve, are seen perfectly level for miles and miles to the naked eye.


Possibly the biggest proof that I have personally experienced that proves that heliocentrism is the truth is this:

I’ve seen Jupiter and its moons through a telescope, and I don’t see any way that you could disprove heliocentrism when you take into account the fact that any person with a telescope can observe Jupiter’s moons moving around it over time. If you accept that fact, you have to accept that orbital mechanics exist and operate, and there’s no good way to then claim that the Earth works differently.

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Could you link to web articles/photos proving some of these claims?


I imagine another star, but I’m still studying this one! I’m always learning about it which is really fun.

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Sure, none of us have terribly good eyes compared to e.g. eagles.

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But then how does the “other star” move one direction, stop, and move the other direction, all while keeping up with Jupiter and managing to not collide with its other moons?

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I don’t see why Jupiter’s moons moving around it proves the earth moves. The creativity and movement God designed in the stars is beautiful and orderly, like an elaborate timepiece. My ceiling fan doesn’t prove my floor rotates.


We literally know a guy who has flown helicopters over Antarctica. He didn’t have to turn off the signals :joy:


Yes I could give you tons of links. I’ll try to compile my thoughts a little more organized shortly!


MIlitarily being the key word. There’s a difference between the military moving in and claiming Antartica and scientists hanging out there (as they do) to do scientific research.


If the moons move around it, the only way to explain it without massively violating the laws of physics is to choose to believe the truth heliocentrism, and I don’t see why you would believe that Jupiter, as a planet, is created differently from the Earth (also a planet).

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How many of them were today, I wonder? :thinking:

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