Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Purple Hulls are having a fund raiser

The are using Kickstarter to fund their next album it is a worthy cause and for ten bucks you get a down load of the album when it is finished, so be the first to help these great Ladies out . They truly are blessed with the music and the singing . … ulls-album go here for the page on kick start . They have only three days to come up with $ 3,000 bucks so visit soon ,. and donate often LOL . have a good one all.

Thanks for letting us know welder. I think they will hit their target, but they have a little bit left to go. I look forward to hearing the new CD.

60 hours and $849 to go. It looks likely to be a go.

They just hit their goal so the project is a go.

That is great news . I know it will be a worth while endevor for them and all that listens to them .