Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The humor thread (formerly Sunday funny)

And I am not rotund. I’m 5’10" 185lbs. And 150 of that is muscle. I am in quite good shape, Mr Mark.

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The stuff you say is so ridiculous it’s funny.

To bad this Homeschooler didn’t understand half those words.

Oh shorty!!


I’m 6’2" and have no idea what I weigh.

I know. I wish I was at least 7’3’’

But I’m tough, that makes up for it😂 And apparently 5’9" is average…

That’s cool only for volleyball. I think 6’6" would be perfect.

Rotund dosen’t make you tough.

“Ah yes, the ever-ubiquitous tactic of hiding your insecurities by lashing out in your own defense.”


“I, for one, am a goodly 5’10 1/2” and roughly 159 pounds, and that is because I merely gained several pounds whilst visiting home in Mozambique."

It’s not rotund.

You said you were 5’8" a couple weeks ago. That was a quick 2.5 inches…


Oh :joy:

I was confused about the Mozambique part.

I am 5’9" though, not 5’8". People tell me I look 5’10", but that’s probably because of shoes.

Yeah, I’m 5’10" without shoes.

Ohh!! I pray thee my dearest Brother! Forgive this horrible wrong doing I have committed in falsely making accusations against thee. May the Lord chastise me.

I might forgive you… :joy:

I would post a picture of me crossing my arms if I didn’t consider that weird.

If you cannot forgive, neither shall your Father in Heaven forgive you.

Shameless braggart

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That’s why I’m not doing it.