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Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Thank you to our military members and veterans

We have quite a few international members, so I’ll start with this brief explanation. Today is a day set aside to honor our military veterans. It is a day simply called “Veteran’s day.”

To any U.S. veterans and folks currently serving in the military, I wanted to express my sincere thanks. Without you, our country simply would not be. You have chosen to serve the people of this country, endure many hardships and risk your very lives in the process. There are no words fitting enough to express the gratitude that you are owed each and every day. Freedom is not free, and you pay the cost. Again, thank you for your service and may God bless you and your families.

Thanks Mike, not many people bother to recognize vets like you did. You’re a good guy.
USMC Infantry
1982-1986… Spent most of '83 in Beirut Lebanon.

I echo what Bulldog said Mike, you are a good guy and thanks so much. It’s nice to be recognized for serving but my time was easy compared to many others, especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

We must have went in about the same time Bulldog:

U.S. Army M.P.
3 Aug 1982 - 2 Aug 1985… Last year and a half in Regensburg, Germany (southern Germany).


Please don’t thank me… the thanks goes to you two and your brothers and sisters in uniform!

— Begin quote from "jwpropane"

I echo what Bulldog said Mike, you are a good guy and thanks so much. It’s nice to be recognized for serving but my time was easy compared to many others, especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

We must have went in about the same time Bulldog:

U.S. Army M.P.
3 Aug 1982 - 2 Aug 1985… Last year and a half in Regensburg, Germany (southern Germany).


— End quote

From 1961 to 1964 two and 1/2 years at Benning and six months in Germany . was in Tanks and self propelled big gun 90 mm. From 64 on til the end of Viet nam was a bad time . I never got called back I guess I married to fast and had kids to quick to be called. Never had to shoot at any one but could for sure . I know I lost a lot of friends in Nam but never went there. I honor those that gave all and those that came back a changed human being . What we owe these people is our way of life and we should fight every bit as hard on our own soil to keep that going. Just to know where our freedom comes from is all we can do .

Thank you for your service welder! It’s kind of interesting. Most vets I know say, “I didn’t do too much, but I know many who did.” You guys and gals are all heroes to me.

We were all young and full of energy and had no life experience to speak of but we knew one thing for sure we could get hurt or killed in doing what we did. I call it naive valor. It was something we just never discussed but we did know . I am at a loss as to what happened to my friends I could never find any of them after I got out . I am sure I lost some friends in Nam . If any one wants to know just ask someone who had to go . but we were there and ready to move and we took those drills serious . We also had people who had been through the hard part and they told us how to stay alive and those gentlemen I take my hat off to them. To The ones who stayed alive by eating worms or some other nasty thing just to stay alive , to those men who rotted in a fox hole protecting our way of life My heart goes out to them . Those are the ones who need our praise and our good words.