Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Tabs for Guitar Rhythm

I’m entering a competition for which I have to submit sheet music showing note for note what I play. I’m recording/mixing four parts: banjo, guitar, mandolin, and vocal. I’ve created the banjo tabs, but I have a couple of questions:

  1. How do I show mandolin chops on tabs?
  2. How would I show guitar rhythm on tabs?

I’m using Musescore, which I acknowledge probably isn’t the best for tabs, but it’s what I have. I understand that typically chops and rhythm wouldn’t be shown on tabs, but it’s what they ask for. I might even have to translate it to standard notation, but the program can do that for me. It’s not a “bluegrass-specific” competition, which is why the rules sound a bit strange in the context of bluegrass music. I appreciate the help! Also, hats off to @BanjoBen specifically, but also any others who create tabs. I know that @Michael_Mark and @Mason_Crone both do it as well, but I’m not sure of any others. I’m learning that it’s not always easy!


I would just write out the guitar/mando rhythm in the pattern used. Once you write out the pattern over a few chords once, you can copy and paste it wherever possible. You can also use dead notes to represent the chops.


What @Michael_Mark said. Also if you are serious about writing your own TABs the way forward is TablEdit


Check out the tef file in this lesson. The ideas you are looking for are there.
Rhythm & Chords - Irish Washerwoman - Guitar ★ Banjo Ben Clark ★


Thanks, y’all! I appreciate your help!