I WANT the Banjer… but it was that little part abou $1,400… even as it is a good deal… my empty walet is groaning at me!
All the same, whomever buys it… thanks for thinking of us and making us a better offer!
Dare I ask… how many PERSONAL Banjer’s do you have and which one is your fav?
By personal - I meant to convey that I know many Banjers pass by you… in trade and sell… but’s those that are all yours… was my intent.
Do you still have your FIRST Banjer? Also, I am guessing for $1,400 for this “used” versus a brand new RK for $1,000 - YOU would take the Gibson for the best value. By value and tradition, I bet my play money that you would take the Gibson…
I would be intimidated to buy used ON MY OWN (unless through Ben’s Store/Site - who I trust outright) as I don’t feel “qualified” to know what I am buying.
All the more reason to be happy that Ben and his store is there - looking out for his students!