I enjoyed helping my kids with homework. When my daughter was in 4th grade, she was assigned a paper 3 pages long on the Titanic.
I asked her what kind of paper… report… news article… story…
She said anything about the Titanic.
Well believe it or not, this was before the internet was widely available. I didn’t have time to take her to the library for research… so I suggested she write a story about a little girl on the big boat. That way, she wouldn’t have to include any details.
So her paper went something like this...
One time, my mommy and daddy and my friend, Bobbie and I, went on the big boat… We had such fun… (A page and a half of filler… boat activities…)
Then late at night I had my birthday party… Daddy was a friend of the captain, I got to go way up where they drive the boat.
The Captain let me drive… but then I hit an iceberg… it got really exciting after that.
It was almost as bad as the time they let me drive the Hindenberg.