Maybe this should go in music theory, i had in mind specifically guitar chords. Ive heard of power chords before but was never sure what they are! Are they at all similar to the color chords in the Tony Wray Wrythm lessons?
Power Chords
I may be way off base here, but my understanding of guitar power chords is that they are 2 note chords using the Root and 5th. So for a G power chord you’d play the G note on the 6th string and the D note on the 5th string. It’s an easy move-able shape that doesn’t require a ton of precision. In rock music it’s normally distorted and sounds bigger than a 2 note chord. It’s also the base shape for a blues shuffle rhythm.
Gotcha! And using the bottom couple of strings allows for a louder sound, or more of an accented sound than a regular chord. Hence the name power.
Yep, @stephen_cassell is right! When I play guitar power chords I often use 3 strings, so for G it would be 3rd fret low E, then 5th frets on both A and D strings. That way you get the root on two octaves and the 5th in there. Power chords are used more in rock/pop than bluegrass, for sure.
That’s the type of chord you used in the intro for Nothing but the Blood, right?
Ok thanks for y’all help