Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Plug and play mic for recording guitar at home?

Hi all, I’m looking for recommendations for a mic to record myself at home. The goal is just to listen to my playing as part of learning, not to publish or upload the audio.

I’ve looked into mic posts here and on other forums, but it seems like discussions on mics quickly get into pretty advanced equipment that requires all sorts of complementary software, cables, sound processors etc.

What I’m looking for is just a simple plug and play usb mic that I can stick into my laptop and that will give me better sound recording than my cell phone.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

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For your purposes, I heartily recommend looking into a Zoom recorder. It can function as an external mic and record to a DAW on your computer, or you can record to an onboard SD with no laptop needed.


I also recommend the Zoom mic. I love mine!


Thank you both, will look into Zoom!


I use a HyberX Quadcast. The mic doesn’t include a recording feature, it’s just a decent mic. The mic does include a plug for headphones, which allows me to better hear me and what’s on the computer. I initially got it for ‘work from home’ video conferences and found it also worked great for playing along with Banjo Ben videos, Tef files, and the Strum Machine app.