There’s me all over, shooting my comments off without looking!
I mistakenly thought I was replying to sharingtimes again!
It’s good to know that you can plant your finger when playing banjo.
I’ve not done it on the banjo - It is after all kind of a drum head - and I really notice if my finger touches. It sounds quite noticeable if my fingers glance the head - so I avoided doing it. I got some metal fingerpicks recently and when that banjo gets rolling you can’t hear yourself think, so maybe touching the head doesn’t matter.
I’ve sometimes anchored my palm to the bridge - not firmly - but it got kind of comfortable
I’ve not developed any habits yet playing banjo - the access to all the new material and me having to iron out some of my guitar flatpicking shortcomings; it think Ben’s style uses more ornaments than I’m used to (which is a better sound) - so my banjos been sitting quietly on the wall.
It’s really cool to have so many banjo players here. I generalize, but I don’t think too many UK players would rush out to get themselves a banjo, before a guitar. I love the sound of a banjo - I had to get a myself cheap left handed made in China one - which sounds great to me - and I think it’s well made for what it cost. But my jaw has dropped at how expensive the good USA banjos are. I’m sure that they are worth every penny, but there’s probably not the market in the UK for too many high end instruments - especially not left handed.
So sorry for offering you my sage advice. I guess I got carried away playing the wrong chord progression yet again!
All the best!